Friday, February 23, 2018

Timing is Everything, also, the Forage Worm Story 2/23/2018

  • Aerys: Durni 3=0
Ha! Now I have an hour and a half on all my other incubators. Fffffforage Worm. Well, this is as good a time as any to tell the story.

The Forage Worm Debacle

If you don't know, it takes two mutations to change most DNA's to an appearance mutation. Some, it takes three: Acklay used to be one of these, and Varasquactyl, Spined Rancor, Spiny Gorgilla, Mutant Acklay and Blackwing Rancor are all three-stage mutations. I don't recall how many of these we even knew of at the time this incident happened. (EDIT: we had combos for and had achieved Acklay, Spined Rancor and Varasquactyl, but the Blackwing Rancor hadn't been unlocked yet. Spiny Gorgilla was not achieved until Legends.)

The other thing of which many newer players won't be aware is that the colour combinations for most DNAs weren't known. There were several, concerted efforts on both live and test servers to try and find and prove the combinations that would trigger mutations, but since it was a fairly low percentage chance, even with all factors maximised, the testing took years to get through all combinations to unlock the mutation combination for each DNA. This research and the spirit of scientific co-operation that it fostered are a very big reason I love this aspect of this game so deeply. 

I was running sessions on the newest looted DNA that had been added, (I think through the Rare Loot System), which was the Forage Worm. We knew the lyase colour. My routine was to run three sessions with different isomerase colours, but we were to do a confirmation session if we got a boom, since there was a slim chance of a mutation with any colour combo. So, I loaded my incubator with some new DNA, and hit the boom on first session. I waited to confirm, just letting Ztez know I had a possible combo, so he could add the combo to his proof queue. (He was co-ordinating one of the TC labs at the time).

It was very late at night when I hit second session, which acted as a proof of the combo. I had top grade enzymes already set aside and could even feel what was about to happen, fate being the bitch she is. I joked about it but I had a sick feeling I wasn't wrong: I was going to use the combo and get a third Boom and it was going to be a stat, and I would have wasted my one chance to get an Acklay or Blackwing or whatever.

So, I wasn't wrong. But the funniest part is that I was on Ventrilo with many of the Beast Masters at the time it happened. Now, you have to know this: I was the Senator, and a few months before the election, I had won Beast Master of the Month, which was a community recognition we used to give on the forums to reward our most involved and helpful players. Most of my nominations commented on how nice and polite and helpful I was. These guys had this image of me as a super sweet mom type, the June Cleaver of SWG. 

I was apoplectic with rage at the thought that that one stupid ugly critter could have been something amazing like an Acklay or Varasquactyl, which I had been trying for, for months and I just knew, down really deep that it was really unlikely I would ever have a chance for another third stage mutation.  As soon as the I saw the lightening, I literally went off. My crew suffered severe shock at hearing me absolutely launch into a torrent of the bluest language imaginable. 

My friends were amazed and appalled that their sweet LollipopDoc had such a foul mouth, and as the tsunami of profanity continued, some of them got worried. "Lolli, are you okay?" Hoggle asked, when I paused long enough to draw breath.

"I'm... just... so... ffff -" but as I realised how off the handle I was, the F-bomb morphed into the source of my ire. "FORAGE WORM!!!"

And a legend was born. 

To this day, my kids taunt me with the fact that I will sometimes use Forage Worm as a swear. 

And now you know.

  • Benni: Mawgax 2=0
  • Lifa: CuPa 2=0
  • Oshorym: Dewback 1=0
Have not determined if I will scrub the fails... I will decide when those sessions are up, in about 10 hours.

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