Wednesday, June 13, 2018

6/13/2018 Back at 'Er

I took a hiatus for a while, was working on a big-deal project in my medieval hobby group, and now that that is done with, I have some time and energy to put back into the game. I actually have been playing intermittently for a week or so, but now have actually gotten things moving forward in the BM side of things. so I figured I should maybe come back and post. I will be digging up a headset soon, so I cna start being social on the Discord again, as my guild is still quite active and busy and has even opted to start some RP, which is so cool: I cannot wait for that!

I did re-check the bazaar listings for 60 pt pets, and have some maths to do before I can report in a detailed fashion, but overall the market looks healthy enough. Double XP weekends definitely spike sales, however, which would point to the leveling grind still off-putting newer folks from giving combat BM a try. Anywho, with 216 beasts listed at present, the demand is being fed. Prices range from 5 mill to 35 mill for standard extractable DNA, which tells me some crafting BMs are not adept at reading the bazaar terminals. I have not done the market research on consumables and enzymes, but I would be very surprised if there was much profit to be had at 5 mill an egg. I will do that research sometime soon, just so I can present a detailed tracking. Six months is a good time frame for the kind of in depth market analysis I am thinking of.

It's my birthday today, and for my birthday I got: a stat hit on a Bolle Bol (hoping for any mutation, because I love the Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: I was the one to unlock the mutant on TC, and it was all Huntsya's Fault, but also because it's on the short list of possible new mutations the devs have added. They told us one is a Complex App; the other is not, and one is from Endor, one from Lok. While the Lok list is shorter, I like the beasties and the mutants from Endor better. Apparently there's also a new critter in the wild on Endor, but for all that I've been running around there
the last couple of play sessions, I have not seen hide nor hair of it.

Any way, I also got a stat hit on a Kliknik. As an Acklay to sell would be a great booster for the character bank at present, I also have not made a single Complex App since logging onto Legends, so... even though it's known, it would still be neat. And yeah, I'd sell the Mutant Acklay if I managed to make one: prolly get 4-500 mill for it.

I have enough 20s to finish out those two hits, but I definitely need to finish re-building the Processing Lab, and then spending a few nights stocking up on raw hydros and getting in the swing of processing again. Considering the uphill slog has definitely slowed me down some. I can overcome that.

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