Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Moon Fest Shenanigans: Happy Birthday, Kalley!

The entrance to the haunted house! Spooky!
It was Kalley's birthday, and all she wanted for her birthday was to play with her friends, so a big group got together and we hunted the World Boss Krayt for a bit (I joined a couple hours in, I'm not usually home from the barn till after the start time of most of the guild events.)

When we'd split the loot by some esoteric numbers lottery (and there was some great loot, too, plus I got like 65 processable hydros!) those of us who were still awake ran off to Kashyyyk for the Moon Fest stuff: there is a haunted house, a ghost attack, and riddles to solve, and as with so much else in life, it's way more fun with friends!

Boo, indeed!
The haunted house is filled with some amazing deco: some very spooky, creepy spaces: about as much scare factor as I ever want to deal with, but the decorator obviously had some fun! I ran around taking way too many screenshots, which I don't want to post here, so as to save some of the fun of discovery for the two people who may read this blog on the rare occasion.

The pumpkin patch in the lower floor of the haunted house.
Some of the Sith-O-Lanterns are interactable, and you have a chance of pulling out Galactic Moon Fest Coins, or ya might get a handful of slime, which gave me a good giggle the first time it happened. There are web-covered trees as well, that might net you some spider pheromone or just a nasty bite!

Probably the funniest part of the evening was finding an Ithorian  with a pumpkin hat on hiding in amidst the lanterns... that was hilarious! But even if he isn't there now, go, explore, it's fun!

After we hit the haunted house, we went and answered the riddle quest, which had a neat element of risk, that was fun, too: if you answered wrong, or were rude to the riddler, they'd summon a level 93 mob to put you in your place. Gotta love that kind of fun programming of the side-content.

Found the reward giver and got my pumpkin hat, which I have placed in my lab as deco, rather than wearing it. I hung it in the branches of the spooky tree I got as a reward for the Sayormi ghost raid. (Maybe if I had a particularly demon-horse mount, I'd try for a headless horseman look...hint hint, Gualara!)

So seeing that deco-ed house reminded me, there are just a couple things I really want added to the attainables list on Legends: the Gualaara, a Naboo critter from the Naturalist's Guide, that was added to the live game as a TCG reward mount: please please please make these mutateable! From Gualama, would make sense, but they are such cool-looking beasties...

And then, there's this...

I cannot tell you how much I have longed for a big, green rug like the ones the decorator used on the floor of this side room. From my first wander through Nym's Stronghold, on Lok, where I saw one hung on the wall as a tapestry... There are quite a few rugs that we as players cannot access in game, and it is immensely frustrating. I love that the dev team is adding new content and, Soon (tm), whole new worlds for us to play on and in, but can I beg a favour while you guys are at it: make some of these awesome, unachievable deco items available? The green rug, the striped pelt rug from the Collector's tents, the small runners, deco paintings and planetary tapestries we don't have... pretty please? With a blob candy on top?

Anyway, I had a great night running with the Chill bunch, and when I got back to my enclave, I pulled together a few lil gifts for our Guild Leader, as she is just the jam that holds this crazy cake together. I still haven't made her a Blackwing Rancor, but hopefully the two eggs I gave her will tide her over while I get back to work on it!

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