Got a boom on stage two of the Malkloc. If I am very lucky, that could turn this:
into this:

A girl can hope.
Nothing on Stage 2 of Mawgax on Osho, or stage 2 of Choku with Lifa, or stage 1 of Choku with Benni.
Hatched that poor quality Choku on Benni, named it CHECK LYASES. Consider that an expensive but tangible lesson. :P
Range on those 0 pt hydros is 7.25 to 10.87 in second stage. I put the highest ones into the reprocessor, (had enough of the elements to make 1 hydro). Will report back on that outcome this evening.
I tried to address that macro issue: we'll see if it works. Setting Aerys up afk, since I will be gone for most of the day, to try and get Astley up to 90.
We have 30 capped hydros, so I can prolly hold off hunting till next week, but... I will probably go tonight or tomorrow night. I am going to an SCA event this weekend, but bringing the laptop with. We'll see if I get much in the way of gaming done. May spend more time writing, which would also be good. Last year at this event I felt very disconnected from the group, and spent a lot of time bored and just sitting crocheting in a corner of the hotel lobby. I will make sure to pack some crafts this time as well: maybe get some of my backlog dealt with. But with the laptop, even if I can't game, I can write.
...And nothing on second stage of Choku with Benni, but a boom on third stage with Lifa: all the lyase misses are in defensive stats, critical hit is hard capped. I should hatch that one on Aerys. And third stage boom on Mawgax with Osho! That's a nice vendable beastie.

The Reek is level 89 with 50% of the level left. Yay! I will pull the Tauntaun when Astley is done. Although I should pop back to the lab to flip her incubator.
And nothing on last session of Malkloc, and I used a16 t hydro so it will be a 54 pointer.
Oh yeah, that experiment with the 0 pt hydros: they made an 16 / 3 processed hydro. Interesting.
Okay, enough gabbling. Catch ya on the flip!
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