Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 45: Short Attention Span Questing

Looks like I will have lots of time to play today, as the weather is precluding work and the kid is off to see his girlfriend, so I should be able to play till around 10:30 tonight!

All those Cs processed now, and we are pretty much out of raws to process, so I may get some more later today, but as I said to Hoggle: no rush: we have a LOT of 20s (somewhere in the area of 45, plus). making a few lower point hydros to do fillins, and I think I may spend some of the Graul take on mutagen consumables or resources, so I can make my own 12, 13 and 14 pt hydros when I do have a successful second stage app. After I've got Aerys her Master Tamer's of course.

No boom on second stage of Kliknik. Boom on last stage of Mawgax. Started a deco grade Mamien on Osho: nothing there, yet. Definitely need to do some foraging on Aerys' though, and get more stock of mount grade lyases.

Started the Heroic prequests on Aerys, finally, and got started on the Tusken one, just before server needed to rest.

Ran over to Yavin for a community trivia event: that was fun! Got three questions right, and came in second to Okoral, and walked away with a new title and a Guise of Ice and a Mah Jongg machine. That makes me ridiculously happy. :)

Now running the Exar Kun prequest, have to look up what I am sposed to do now that I am on Yavin. Ah ha, that part is done. Oko gave me incorrect advice. Good thing there's a wiki!

Back to Corellia now, then going to start the ISD thingie. I have to go back to Aurellia to close out the Exar Quest and start the NS one, but I am officially distracted and running to buy some rare fish, for the fish tank collection, for one of the Helper Monkeys. Except the shop and vendor are no longer there. So I found a different vendor on Corellia who had collection things for sale and bought some of those instead. Whee!

Then to Yavin, played Mastermind with the escape pod array and then made my way to Endor to try and do the next bit. I will either need a full suit of 35s or one capable combat buddy, so kind of a good thing the server went down when it did: these silver elite level 90 mobs are kicking my ass. Parked Aerys outside the Black Sun bunker and switched over to Lifa and to Soulei to do some inventory maintenance before the reset. I have maybe a half hour left to play: not sure what to do in that time.

Ended up running about to Lok and buying a bunch of resources (spent about 40 mill on some very nice stuff, but will have to build a crafting suit for Lifa in order to take full advantage of it. She only has the base 10 points of experimentation. Going to need to reset her for Experimentation anyways. That's a long boring day ahead. Tempted to just buy the crafting suits for Structures, Munitions and Chef will have to find out what/where/how much I cna expect to pay.

Finished processing the last of the Cs into 20s or attempts thereat. So, at present we have 64 finished 20s, three more in process, and about 18 non 20 processed hydros. I think we're fine till Hoggle or I find time to hunt more dragons.

Brought Aerys home: she has 2 and a half hours left before I can flip third session on that Kliknik. I am tired though. If I am still awake then, I'll flip that session, but otherwise, it can wait till the morning.

It's weird not having a pet to level: there's no pressure to afk grind... I am going to work on Aerys' Feathered Slice and Psycho Jax next, I think. (Although I do really want an Acklay...)

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