Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Short Day and Shopping 1/30/2018

Nothing on any of this morning's sessions, but at least two of those are destined to be deco or holo-pets, so no big deal.

Taking Aerys hunting on Dathomir tonight. Been working on housework, which has been absorbing a lot of my mental energy as well as my play time, but I have plans. :)

Okay. I lied. Did not go hunting. Watched some YouTube and then spent 4 hours on housework. Still a lot to do, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel... I think.
  • Lifa: Tybis 1=0
  • Benni: Tybis 1=0
  • Aerys: Vorpal Durni 1=0 (Scrub)
  • Oshorym: Vorpal Durni: Boom!
So took Osho shopping for the right colours of enzymes, and some element As and Cs and raw hydros, as we do not have a 17/19 or 2 18s to finish off that session. going to try and brew the highest mutagen 18 I can. May hold off on his next session until I can get an 18 over 12 mutagen. The starter was a 12 with 13 mutagen: should try to beat that for the next sessions. 

God, it's hard not to hope.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Maintenance 1/29/2018

  • Lifa: Brackaset 1=0
  • Benni: Voritor 1=0
  • Oshorym: Squill 1= Boom (Critical Hit)
  • Aerys: 4 hours left on timer
14 20s in stock, 3 more in production, and 37 more elements processing, easily another 5 hydros in amongst those and what I have remaining.

...And back. Pulled out the processed elements, started up the last set, set up 5 more 20s and one high mutagen. 
  • Aerys: Kliknik 2=0
  • Lifa: Brackaset 2=0
  • Benni: Voritor 2=0
  • Oshorym: Squill 2=0

Going to take Aerys to Dath to do more porlogue quests and pull hydros from Rancors, and DNA from critters. 

Osho has sold some things, but as system mails are down, I don't actually know what he's sold. Annoyed with the chat server (which appears to be connected to the mails). I hope they get it sorted sooner rather than later, as I like being able to get into grind groups, etc.

Well, I was going to, but bounced from the server before I could. Mrrr.

19 20s now.

I have too much housework to do to justify playing tonight, since I watched a few more episodes of BSG with my middle kiddle. But got some stuff done and feel good about leaving things there for the night. Slowing my heartrate and settling for bed now.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Any One Wanna Buy a Mutant? 1/28/2018

Went to bed late, woke at 8, so up at 9 and flipping my sessions. I will not be able to play most of today, as I have outside things to do, and even when they are done, I am going to be trying to rebuild my bedroom on the new plan. This involves some serious RL inventory maintenace. Too bad I can't take the "junk loots" and sell it to a junk dealer: I could use the cash right about now, but honestly, no one wants my RL junk. It goes to thrift stores and I'd lay good money it gets tossed after a few months of sitting there. /sigh
  • Aerys: Flit 3=0
  • Osho: Sand Panther= BOOM! Fanged Tiglon! Now I need a 13pt Hydro to finish him.
  • Lifa: Huurton 2=0
  • Benni: Langlatch 2=0
The second Fanged makes me happy. Now I can sell one and still have one to hatch. :)

I will need a long hunting session to stock up on raws. It takes about 5 raws to make one 20, so I need to fill my inventory twice over in order to have enough stock to not have to hunt for a while. 

Logged in, pulled the needed 13 from the prcessors, and headed Aerys off to get buffed and go dragon hunting. A couple of kills in, I ran into Greenlotus again, so having a solid hunt. :) I have missed just running with someone.

All done with that: harvested 44 hydros, 20 above 6, so lots of 20s coming my way soon. 

Osho sold a capped and a non capped beast, so we have some more creds incoming. The first Fanged Tig has not sold yet, so I may drop the price on that one. 

  • Lifa: Huurton 3 =  0
  • Benni: Langlatch 3 = 0
  • Oshorym: Fanged Tiglon 3 = 0
  • Aerys: Kliknik 1 =  0
And crash time. Processors are chugging away, but boy I burn through raws fast. :P

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Brothers and Birthdays 1/27/2018

It's my brother's birthday today. He came THROUGH for me and my family last year, giving me fully 2/3 of my son's tuition for the semester, and being the transfer agent for a Christmas gift of cash from my step father. I hope I can make his day special somehow.

This reminded me that Legends is now on its second birthday, which is crazy cool and makes me very happy for the work that has been put in. The server is usually stable, the dev team is devoted to resolving issues and adding new content and just enjoying the game. It's really great. Happy birthday, Legends!

I was able to log in with no issues today, so I am flipping incubators now. Processors are all empty, which gives me a sad.

One of the first LOLBMs I made. Ridiculous fun times.

  • Osho: Sand Panther 3: BOOM! :D 60 pt capped Fanged Tiglon. And Aerys doesn't have a cat... hmmm...
  • Lifa: Bol 3=0
  • Benni: C. Butterfly 3=0
  • Aerys: Flit 2=Boom (Critical Hit)
Ran into the guy who sold me those enzymes and that DNA a week or so ago,. He's looking to get started in BM, and needs just the unidentified bones. I was sure we had a stack lying around, but be damned if I could find them. So I just bank tipped him 4 mill (since that's what they go for on the bazaar) and will keep looking. 

Off to hunt Krayts: all the processors are loaded, so I can just throw the first batch of enzymes in. I should also check and see if there are any higher quality machines out there, as I'd love to boost my mutagen a bit more. Will need cans soon too: yay for creds in the bank: I can just buy whatever I need. So privileged.

And got out to hunt Krayts and died on the first one. Rebuffed, headed back out, and server crashed before I could find one. I haz a SAD. And a bit of a mad; Aerys hasn't even run her session yet today because I need hydros so badly.

Logged back on: still had med buffs but lost and had several kills at the graveyard before a Jedi showed up. He was after pearls, and was game to kill stuff while he waited for ancients to spawn, so yay! 40 hydros in an hour, and I am set for the week. After I died, I ran processors, and ran back out there, killed some more. When I died the second time (third time today) I called it quits, cloned home and bagged up all the enzymes and then ran the session, and hit a boom on the Flit. Score. 

A good morning's play, even with the server issues. Now to get actually on with my day. 

...And back. Blitzed my garage and got a solid disaster started in my bedroom, and now taking a break till after dinner, so back to game.

Flipped the processors, got a good spread, so should be good to make a bunch of 20s.

There's still a couple of hours till the incubators are ready, so I am going to go shopping on Osho. I have 5 processors that are .48 to .54 mutagen, instead of .7 or .71... oi! there's .86's on Hoyt's vendor!!!

And there goes the 100 mill. :)
Easy come, easy go!

I need another 1.9 mill to buy the capped reproc capsules. Considering vending that cat now. I wanted a Psycho Jax for Aerys anyway... Put it on the vendor for 150 mill. Can use the creds, and like the beast so if it doesn't move quickly, I won't be mad. I do need to do another purge of the vendor and make a few more holopets. the low pointers don't sell anyway, and I'd love a chance to make an orange holopet. (Not even sure that function is turned on in this iteration, but it'd be darn cool to find out!)
  • Osho: Sand Panther 1= Boom! (Strikethrough)
  • Lifa: Huurton 1=0
  • Benni: Langlatch 1=0
  • Aerys:  has 3 hours left on her incubator...
so I picked out the stuff I am going to use tomorrow, and tried to get into the grind group, but tells weren't working, so I logged her off in the lab. if I wake up early enough I will run her session before I head off to work. Their sessions should be done about 8:30 or 9 am, and my ride doesn't get here till 10, so... kinda depends how hard I crash. I'm tired: it was a very full day.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Big Boom Morning 1/26/2018

Up early, as I'd hoped and energy to log in and do some maintenance. Made 4 20s last night, so yay! Still need raws for processing.

  • Lifa: Bol 2=0; 
  • Benni: C. Butterfly 2= Boom (Evasion); 
  • Osho: Sand Panther 2= Boom (Block Chance); 
  • Aerys: Flit 1=0
So that was a great start to my day: one chance each at a Chubafly and a Fanged Tig. :)

It's amazing what comes up on google image search.
This is apparently the "Crystal Structure of the Bacillis Subtilis Hmg-coa Lyase"
Our devs definitely fuddled with real names for biogenetic things.
I see you, Loche.
Going to run Osho out to buy more 11 pt Purples, as I appear to be out. And spent 15 mill on those, and some misc Isos and DNA. 

Then ran Aerys to Tat to try the Bestine elections, but it's more than a week before they start up again. I should do some research and read up on what all I should do there. Grabbed the painting schem from the museum director: will have to keep coming back to see about getting the rest of them. A little vendor research showed a lot of rare painting crates on vendors: I should definitely take Osho and go get those, and complete the Starship painting series as well. I will be dropping a guildhall eventually, and deco for it is good. 

Left Aerys logged out in Eisley, so I can buff her and get on with the hunting when I get home from work.

Got home, and logged Aerys in, got her a buff and then server crashed. :( Several hours later, still a no go. I guess that's today's entry done, then.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Bargain Hunting 1/25/2018

Stat boom on Lifa's Mawgax, nothing on the others. Hunted for an hour and 45 minutes, got 18 hydros, so will have a few more 20s to play with. I should do more tomorrow, but for tonight, I need to pass out.

And... three hours left on my incubators, as I ran those sessions just before crashing.

Forgot to note it yesterday, but that 59 pt Rancor egg sold for 100 million, so the Gang has some 226 million creds in the bank. That's lots: plenty enough for me to buy a five piece for Soulei, although it would be cool to start earning hers, once she's leveled up. Also to buy the next couple crates of cans and repro capsules, which I will be needing sooner rather than later. It really was serendiptous timing on the sale of achievement and sale of that Malosaur: we were literally down to about 50k across all toons, and now we're back in the pink. At least I'm rich somewhere. Just paid my bills IRL, and I have very little left over to cover groceries this month. The winter is always slower for my industry, and I definitely am catching up from Christmas.

I just realised I haven't run a single heroic upon coming back to the game. Not even sure I have completed all the prequests, actually. I'm lame. LOL.  Okay, off to work!

...And logged in a couple toons from work. Aerys: Bol 3=0; Osho: Sand Panther 1=0; Benni:  Corellian Butterfly 1=0; Lifa: Bol 1=0.

Grabbed the finished eggs and threw them on the vendor. It occurred to me to do a little market analysis, so I am going to go see what is up on the bazaar and maybe maintain a little list tracking gaps in the market and prices, etc. That will be a different post. I may have to set it up as a spreadsheet (makes sense to track changes over time and such, but that also means learning how to use spreadsheets... well, I do like to learn new things!)

Okay so that's done. Capped pets range between 9 and 35 mill for extractable DNAs, which means someone doesn't know how to set their prices according to what the market will bear. Also, some one was yelling in Eisley that they needed 89.7 % dark blue isomerases, paying 550k each. I did a fast vendor search and popped to four planets and bought out every dark blue under 500k. I need 'em too. Seriously though, learn how search the vendors and be willing to drive around a bit and you don't need to spam Eisley so much.

As it happens, there are huge holes in the market in the Canine, Porcine, Caprine and Elephantine groups, and a few others that don't make sense. Many of the ones with gaps are also mutatable DNAs, so there is significant benefit to hitting those up to load up as eggs onto the vendor.

Also, the devs have added at least one, possibly 3 more app mutations to the game and none of the Caprines and only one of each of the Canines and Elephantines have known mutations. I could easily kill two birds with one stone by testing those DNAs. I also like puppies... and while I don't like goats, it is a crying shame that they are so underused.

Of those in the gap categories, seven are Dathomirian, and four use the lesser-used lyases: Shear Mite and Baz Nitch use yellow, and Purbole and Verne use light blue. I would love the Purbole to become the Kowakian Monkey Lizard, and I am hoping one of the added changes is a Rasp, so I am going to focus on Reptilian Flier as well. I guess I'll be taking Aerys to Dath tonight to collect some DNAs and more hydros to run through the machines.

Welp, spent 100 mill on enzymes and things, including the parts for another Master Tamer's Necklace, for Soulei once she has leveled. Or maybe for Benni... ;)

After sorting the shopping and flipping the processors, which took me a bit longer than it should have, because I kept drifting off half way through a task, I have logged Aerys at Eisely so she can get a buff when I am awake enough to play again. I am going to crawl on into bed and pass out for a few hours. I might be up super early and play before I go to work. Or I might not.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Posting Plans 1/24/2018

No booms on anyone, and I prolly used the wrong combo on Lifa's so I feel dumbs. Threw in the last bitty bit emzymes to process, really really really need to go krayting tonight, and since I had coffee at 3 pm, I will likely be able to do it, as I will not be able to sleep at a more reasonable hour.

So in the vein of incentivising healthy habits, I should probably figure out a reward system for playing this game and getting done the things that I want to. as I accomplish each one, I could reward myself in some way. It's kind of sad that I am even considering incentiving playing a game, like playing a game isn't a reward in and of itself. Well, whatever.

My day to day "grind" in game focuses almost entirely on making mutation attempts. I harvest my own hydros, buy the materials for refining them, chase down my own DNA, buy most of my other enzymes, and focus very little else of my gameplay on any other aspect. I miss certain non-BM or less BM things I used to do, and there are some things I'd very much like to do moving forward, but I am not sure how I should prioritise those.

Soulei: levelling is not easy. I get bored so fast with the pizza runs, and the slow speed of xp gain. perhaps if I made a more concious effort to buff her up, and spend a couple hours grinding out the Legacy sections, it would be less of a slog? I dunno. Very hard to motivate me on this one.

Deco: this was always one of my joys in game, but it is the kind of thing I have to focus on, and don't want to do for too many days at a time. Perhaps an hour a week would be good, I can get a lot done in a short space of time: goal being one room a week? If it gets easier or faster or just flows, I can spend more time on it. I do want all my spaces to be immersive and reflective of each toon's history and personality.

Space: I always wanted to be a good pilot (thanks Stack and DL...) and it occurs to me that if I can get my joystick talking to my laptop, I could even get some practice in, and maybe find a rhythm. Piloting was a skill that eluded me, back in the day, and I'd like to change that.

Rebel: I miss my general rank and my R
eb decor. I want that back. I need to research the least time consuming ways to make that happen, and then farquing well do them. I will never be a hardcore PvPer as Aerys, but it might be a thing that Soulei could do and would enjoy doing. Oh! And battlefields! I think I only ever ran three, and I know there were games I never played.

I do miss resetting the static bases, and I really miss blowing up player bases. Oh the stories I could tell... and have... ( okay, I wanted to link in some old posts but it appears I have to go back over the old blog and blitz out the formatting and most of the pics. that;s sad: that's a lot of work. I may just create a Blast from the Past page on this blog and re-post those stories...)

Events: I would love to host another Beastly Bash at some point. Don't want to plan it till I have a few super nice prizes to give away and some finished decoed spaces and a chance to play around with StoryTeller some more. I'd love to redo the original BM Olympics too. That was such a great idea, and I'm so much more organised and together than I was when I tried to do all of it on my own before.

RP: I really want to establish an RP swoop gang on Corellia. I want to run a group of writer/RPers who contribute little adventure stories... I should put some thought into a website and such for that. I wonder if anyone else might want to contribute to that. So much tempting brain candy here... seriously, if anyone actually reads this blog and this is a thing they might like to mess about with, drop me a line!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Best Laid Plans and BSG 1/23/2018

Logged on briefly before work to formulate the egg in osho's incubator. Popped that on a vendor. Swicthed to Lifa to check her sales and throw a few things on her vendors too. Found a pack Aerys had offered up some time ago, with hydros for sale in it. Threw 9 of them in for processing because why not. I absolutely must go hydro hunting tonight.

Uh oh. Old log in issue error message just came up when I tried to log in from work.

And no issues when I got home, so that's good.

Session report: Lifa: Mawgax 1 = 0; Benni: Kaadu 1: Stat Boom; Osho: Angler 1 = 0; Aerys: Bol 1 = 0, so 2 more tries for a wee Scurrier, which would be a first craft for me.

Ran and bought a few million worth of isos and lyases. Did not go Krayting as I was watching Battlestar Galactica with my kid. What? It's a great show!

Well, off to bed for me, work in the morning.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Anger 1/21/2018

I wonder how people hold so much anger in themselves that they'd ruin other people's fun, and it seems like their own, for the sake of their hurt feelings.

Out at the grind group and heard the other side of the story from the actual person. She's livid and loathes the old Senator, and has spread her anger to cover the city that's been there for a year (longer than her city had been established), hoping it dies and not caring how it has helped the community for that time.

I hear her anger and I understand her sense of betrayal, but to spread that emotion out to cover everyone that lives there, most of whom moved there long after the city had been established is short-sighted and creates only ill-feelings within the community.

I am trying to be done with this conversation, but she has a dead horse and apparently it needs beating. I know that when I hold only my rage about a topic and spend that much emotional energy venting to folks about it, it entrenches that much further and becomes that much harder to divest from myself.

I know Hoggle did not have 100% altruistic reasons for taking over her city, but when he couldn't fit in houses for the new citizens to bring the shuttle back, he did what I agreed was the right thing for the beast masters needing access to the best leveling spot. I stand by that, even if his motivations were not pure, as Cere attests. I still don't know the truth of why she left the server or under what duress, and I suspect that plays a part in this story too. No one wants to be seen as anything less than a hero, but most of us are shades of grey.

No booms today. And I need raw hydros so I guess I know what I am doing tonight. After a Battlestar Galactica marathon with my middle kiddle, of course.

...And I have to add that her bitterness leaked over onto me and made me struggle to find the motivation to play for the rest of the night and the next day.

I logged in briefly before work and made up some eggs but didn't have time to start any new beasts.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Long Day, Short Post 1/20/2018

Benni: Mamien 2 = 0; Lifa: Malkloc 2 = 0; Oshorym:  Bocatt 1= 0; Aerys: Quenker 2: 0

Too busy to play today: last night's late night prohibited an early enough wake-up, so I played only for an hour when I got home from work. No joy on the mutations, and out of hydros to process.

I am tired. Here is a pretty picture.

Wild Things 1/21/2018

This post was inspired by the name of a shop I regularly visit on Lok, in the NRA guild city of Chinon. One of the things I love most about this game is the deco. It is great to walk into a shop that someone has clearly taken the time to make look and feel like a shop! It is wonderful to move through digital spaces stamped with the personality of their owners.

I endeavour to get all of my shops and spaces deco'd, but I struggle with the motivation to just sit for a few hours and move stuff around a digital space (especially in light of my RL issues with stuff and space). Perhaps if I did a little at a time: you know, one room a week, I'd feel better about that choice for that use of time.

Anywho, I love this shop, I love the name of it and the clear atmosphere of it. I also love the windowed houses that were added in the last year of the game, and how they change the feel of an in-game city.

You have perspective and views from the windows, and the atmosphere that gives is immersive and really enjoyable.

 I have found that stumbling into a fully decorated space in game inspires me to put some time and effort into decoing my own spaces, and not just in game.

Deco work in game actually helped me develop my design aesthetic for living spaces, and my room mates and children reap the benefits of that every day. If only the RL beasties didn't shed all over the furniture, unlike their SWG counterparts!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dying and Deco (and some Grumping) 1/19/2018

Somehow logged off in the middle of the grind last night, so Sliggy is only level 31.

Benni: Squall 3 = 0. Lifa: Kai Tok 3 = BOOM, Horned Raptor. 57 pts but still. Aerys: Torton 3 = 0. /sigh  Osho: Choku 2 = 0.

Grind spot had room in it for me, but not for Okoral, so we grouped up and headed to the Western Dant village. There were two other small groups there, but it was workable, so that's where I logged. Sliggy is 32. And then my laptop decided it couldn't see the wifi, and that was a wrap. :( Ah well. I hope Oko can forgive me.

Logged back on in time to flip incubators:  Benni: Mamien 1 = stat boom! Osho: Choku 3 = 0. Aerys: Quenker 1: Stat boom! Good day for starters, clearly.

I messed about a little on Dath, pulled a few hydros from likely looking Rancors. I did get distracted by RL stuff, and died on Dath a bit too often, but meh. I did complete the Prologue quest again and will do more in spare moments. It takes about half an hour to complete a quest, I'm just not sure how many more I have to do. (I've done the foraging and the kill quests twice each, and the advice quest once.)

Actually read the dialogue on the Prologue Seed Jar and recalled something about it turning into a plant of some kind, so I did the thing and ta-da, two new schematics for Osho! I will buy more Jars when I am out shopping, which is what I plan to do for the rest of the night.

That gave me a momentary inspiration, so I did a squinch of deco, too, and it looks good. Thinking of turning the back room of the hospital into Aerys' chambers, as she currently doesn't have a house, per se. It's a thought. I miss Hoggle, but I don't think he's coming back in any long-term way, and the main room loaded with incubators looks better. Aerys needs a bed. And an office.

Had a chat this morning with a member of the dev team about hydro values and slow spawns. There is a grumpy old curmudgeon in me that says, just figure it out and do it, folks, make it work, but there is also a growing awareness of the unevenness of the playing field: I came back into the game to a business and a partner and creds: I was playing at close to peak within a month. Not everyone has my advantages. (I will be writing up a more in-depth post on the concept of MMO Privilege at a later date, but suffice to say, the conversation made me very aware of it.) They were considering a response to a player request for speeding up the Ancient Krayt spawns, trying to find ways to please the outspoken players, but you can't please all the people all the time, and of course the people who are fine with things aren't talking about how they are fine.

So I tried to answer the questions with some analysis and from the basis of experience. I wouldn't mind seeing the drop rates on those gold elites higher: if something that takes you 90 seconds to kill only drops a 4 pt hydro, it's kinda hard to maintain a stock of raws. But a gold elite is a gold elite and they should all drop that same range, so hydro hunters need not feel confined to just that valley, even though they seem to. It's a valid question to ask if they even would, but time will tell, if they announce the change.

Speaking of missing Hoggle, and grumbling a bit more, apparently the city's Mayor caught an earful from a displeased former Mayor of a city in the area. Labyrinth Labs is very near to the Dantari grind village with the best returns, and her city had been there first, but when I came to the game, she had been gone for a few months, many of her citizens were gone as well, and the city was losing rank quickly. Hoggle won the election, and after talking it over with several key members of the community, opted to kill that city and rebuild nearby.

So Labyrinth Labs was born, and very quickly achieved rank 5, and served the same purpose as her city had, except it was not faction or guild-affiliated, which I agree makes it more in keeping with the original feel of the Beast Master community as science-based and non-factional: it was more welcoming. In addition, we would not ahve to wait for a city packup to move houses around and fit in the citizens to keep it active and ranked up.

Any who, while I was away from the game for the last half of 2017, she came back, (about a year after she left), and is apparently upset at the new Mayor (not even Hoggle) for "stealing" "her" city. I did my best to reassure Okoral that this is not his fight: he's doing a great job as Mayor and he shouldn't have to mollify any player for things that happened a year go and that he was not even involved in. Drama Gualama, anyone? The fact of the matter is Labyrinth isn't going anywhere, and she has already re-established her city near enough to still reap the benefits of proximity to the grind spot, in what I think is a prettier spot, too.

Sometimes, we just need to get over things and let those negative emotions go, or they could ruin our enjoyment of our chosen hobby. It's a hard lesson, but an important one.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hydrolase Hunting, Ad Nauseam 1/18/2018

The Carax on Gamma Station, whose name is Ageaughu. Gesundheit!
Got a second stage boom on Torton, on Aerys, so long wait to try again. The Carax is cool and I want one!

I need to go spend some creds on dark blue isos, because I am burning through all of the stock.

Nothing on second stage of that Squall, so I will be using the highest mutagen I have on third stage to see if I can knock Squall DNA off the possible app mutation list.

I really should get moving on the other tests. I have a sneaking suspicion that since it's the Witches of Dathomir publish, the critter will be Dathomirian in origin. It's a theory. And absent any other hints from the devs, it's as good as any other. That's where I plan to invest my efforts first, anyhow.

Still no love for a grind spot, so I flipped processors and incubators. Aerys: Torton 2 = Stat Boom. Osho: Choku 1 = 0. Lifa: Kai Tok 2 = 0. Stat hit on stage one, but point dist will be weird because I tried to use a 9 pt hydro in first session. Benni: Squall 2: 0. Squall has a stat, so will be using highest mutagens to see if we can trigger a second boom on that DNA. Now to recall the name of the fellow who wanted it...

Flew Aerys to Tat for a hydro hunt, buffed to the nines. Spawn was camped (literally exactly where the Ancient spawns), but they either hadn't cleared the valley first or there had been a few off-kilter spawns, because there was an Ancient and two Grands prowling about. I squeezed them for hydros, got lucky on the loot and scored an Ancient Flawless pearl, too! Love that!

I did send messages to the two toons that weren't flagged afk, (because I am always up for sharing a hunt, especially if they are looking for pearls and I can keep all the enzymes) but there was no answer. Went to heat up some soup for dinner, when I came back they had been killed. I ran over and offered an AoE Rez, but they weren't at the keys, so they ended up cloning. Well, sad for them but more dragons for me.  Omnomnom, hydros!

Actual pic from today's hunt. Bugly Too is good at his job.
One spot left in the grind group, so I parked the Sliggy and am headed to bed.

And look what else is in the grind group? Pretty, isn't he?

Sliggy ws level 3 when I started in the group, will check back in the morning and see how far we got.


Up late hoping for a grind spot, but main group was full and the second group did not have an invite macro running. It's not that common that that happens, but it can. So I updated the forum blog with 5 more entries before poking my head into game again. just killing one spawn at a time, the Sliggy had already made it to level 3.

Hatching a new beast often makes me nostalgic.

My first pet in game was a deco grade Durni, made from DNA harvested from a stuffed bunny that had been made by OG's original bio-engineer, Ioleesem, who quit game just after the NGE, because they had ransacked his profession and left him (and thousands of other players) twisting in the wind. I will blog on that whole thing at some pint, and will link this back to that, but it really is a massive topic for another time.

Anywho, I had this cute lil bunny and he was pretty much just that. cute. Pointless, almost literally (I think he had like 6 points? Or maybe 18, I don't recall. Deco statted, defnitely. I had forgotten its name until I looked it up on SWGpets. Veridian, Aerys' maiden name.

Chase', our Guild Leader had invested a bit more heavily, both in expertise and in figuring out the BM crafting side of things, and I had made him a 54 pt Kliknik from similar, legacy DNA. Newly hatched, that tiny critter kicked my level 16 bunny\s ass enough times that I said to heck with that, and reset my expertise to see if he would hold up better. He did, but not much. That said, we were a crap tonne more effective in PvE, and that was it: I was bit by the BM bug.

My first serious combat beast was a 53 pt Narglatch, chosen for the hard-hitting feline damage specials, and because der, dolphin-cat? Yes please!

Grinner became my go-to guy. even with 7 points missing from his stats, he hit like a tonne of bricks, sharp, bad-tempered bricks. I could keep him alive through a lot of stuff, and he could snag aggro as needed to keep my rash butt out of the bacta.

With his damage combined with Orkin's DoTs, and Chase's and my guns, we were a supremely effective Krayt hunting team. We literally rolled through the graveyard, taking on double and triple spawns and enjoying the challenge of staying alive when an Ancient suddenly woke up on top of us.

There was something very grand about Grinner's  unflinching bravery in the face of such massive targets as we usually hunted. Krayt Dragons and Sher Karr had to crouch to get level with him, and he had this amazing cat leap into the air, with a claw swipe at the peak of it: just terrific animations.

Later, if soloing, I got other pets more suited to the work, and Grinner's missing points did make us less effective as a team, but  he inspired one of the things that gave the community the most fun, the LOL BM thread.

No beast has ever really compared to Grinner in my affections.

Sliggy Celebration! 1/17/2018

So got a stat on first stage of a Kliknik, and then boomed the last stage of the Bol! Super yay!There is a peculiar joy in hatching a mutant I made with the toon I am hatching it on.

Spending the morning's game session shopping for enzymes, as the processing room is on the last of the lower hydros Aerys brought back. Bought 20 or so raw 6s as I can make 20s from them, too, and it saves me krayt grind time. Spent 3 mill or so: not unhappy, as those two mutations will put 200 mill back in the bank pretty soon.. . Okay now we are actualy broke: I opted to pull funds from every toon and buy basically all the purple and violet 11 pt Lyases on the market for less than a mill. We are very well stocked with every other colour, but those two. Have enough for a few more mutation attempts now.  Also pulled every raw hydro off the vendor to process, that should keep me in stock till I have time to hunt tomorrow evening, or even till the weekend, if I want to do something else with my Thursday evening.

To that point, I am not actually sold on selling both new mutations just yet. Aerys' Tauntaun is almost level 90 and she should have one big tanker pet... I was leaning towards the Sligtooth, as it is in the Strikethrough group and I love Strikethrough, but the Malosaur has a pretty awesome special set, adding Puncture and Shaken to the Charge/Trample combo it shares with Sliggy. Damn it! I really need the cash, unless this Klik turns into an Acklay, in which case I will be fine... highly desireable mutant will not stay on the vendor long. So maybe that's how I choose: list them both, hatch the one that doesn't sell.  Ah, market forces.

So excited to get moving on the specials learning with the Master Tamer. I need a pet with Spit and Kick; I had a Gurnaset and an Eopie on live. I loved my Eopie: may opt to make one of those. Well, and I have all that Brackaset DNA too, I should run a few experiments with it.

Poor Sliggy hates tricks. 
...And did not stay broke for long. The Malosaur sold within an hour of being listed, so I hatched the Sliggy when I got home. He likes Sour Fruit. I made him up some nice Sliggy Snacks.

I spent a bit of time being social with our Mayor and a new townie, and then flipped processors and incubators. Got a stat boom on first stage of a Squall for a client, no other booms.

Also got a ping back from Hoyt, who makes top grade capped consumables, and who I had underpaid on my spree yesterday: he said we're all good, and wished me luck with my mutations. I love this community.

Except when trying to find room in the grind group... :(

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Merchanting and Master Tamer 1/16/2018

Aerys: Bol 2 = Stat boom!; Osho: Sand Panther 3 = 0; Lifa: Voritor 3 = 0; Benni: Malkloc 2 = 0

 One more chance for this:

Four more 20s made, so we have six still in stock after today's sessions.

Sold three more eggs last night, so up to 138 mill between Osho and Lifa, should go enzyme shopping soon and stock up. Maybe buy some elements too, and get the backlog worked out again. I do like having bags upon bags full of 20s. :) I definitely need to buy more canisters, and possibly more capsules as well. Will check on Lifa.

So on my way to the Bazaar terminal when got a ping from a player who had a Nexu DNA to sell, and he offered it at a great price, so I bought it; and let him know what I pay for other enzymes. He had a few, so bought those as well, then ran off to buy more at local vendors.

Popped over to Rori following the trail of cheap enzymes, and found, of all things, a WG Magseal Detector on a vendor I wasn't even waypointed towards. So lucky. And having had a terrific flow of pet sales in the last week or so, I easily had the cash for it. Makes me super happy: Aerys will have her Master Tamer's today!!!

Then on Lok, I found a listing that I suspect was a typo, that the seller forgot to add a 0 to the price, so I will ping him in game and offer to pay the other 7.2 mill for the crate I paid 800k for. Those items are expensive to make, and I'd have paid full price. I did spend another 30 mill in his shop, but still, I'd hate for him to feel I took advantage of what was clearly an honest mistake, so I sent him an in game mail offering to resolve the issue.

Okay, wow. So as I went looking for illustrations for this entry, I found the blog of the dev that first added the new mutations (Malosaur, Sligtooth Bol, etc) into the live game. I had no idea his blog was even a thing, so that was terrific to stumble across. And then, when I check the links to find out more about the beast, he has linked them back to SWGpets, the site that was (and is) our bible as Beast Masters. Best of all, in the blog page about his work for us, he thanks the BM community for their support and positive feedback for his work. I wonder if he would be willing to do an interview for this blog?|

That is a really cool thing to have found, completely unasked for. I will have to do some more research into the other devs I worked with and for during those last years of the live game.

Between the Master Tamer's Necklace, the fortuitous shopping, and discovering James Loy's blog, this has been a great day so far. I have work to do today, and am taking a friend to see Last Jedi tonight, so I can't think but it will be a great day.

...and to continue with the M theme of the title for this post...MUTANT! Malosaur, to be exact. Yay!

Got back from seeing Last Jedi and wasn't really even up to playing... (well truth to be told  wasn't up to being upright with my eyes open. It was a long day.) But figured I should flip my incus at the least, and first session run, there it is. I really didn't expect it, too. I mean I maximised chances by using highest grade materials, and all that, but... it's never good to hope too hard. This was an 8-20-20 spec, so I am very pleased. It's also the first Malosaur I've made.

It's really been a great day!

Running the Numbers 1/15/2018

  • Aerys: Bol 1 = 0
  • Osho: Sand Panther 2 = 0 
  • Lifa: Voritor 2 = 0
  • Benni: Malkloc 1 = BOOM!

Short day of play: will be going out hydro hunting tonight to stock up for the week. I am processing everything I am harvesting because why not. I have three 20s in process right now. Will need to buy more cans soon, which is why it's a good thing that we've made 60 mill in egg sales in the last week. It's very nice to log on and see another egg gone and 9 mill more in the bank.

...And did not even log back in. Got home from a long day at work and just vegged on YouTube instead of doing any game stuff. Tomorrow is another day!

The Continuous Hydro Hunt 1/13/2018

Up early, as there are things to do today. Tauntaun is level 72, from 57 last night. I should have taken better advantage of the double xp week, around Christmas. Ah well. Next one won't be that long away.

No booms on last stage of Malkloc, first stage of Mamien or second stage of Crystal Snake. Did sell a couple more eggs overnight (very glad I opted to load them before I left for the event yesterday, including the Boar Wolf egg that had been sitting in the cabinet waiting for Soulei. I can always make more, and the creds are nice, at this point. That not-quite-capped Rancor is still sitting there, which doesn't bother me, actually. If it sells, yay, if it doesn't yay.

...And no booms on second or third stages of Mamien, or on last stage of Baz Nitch, but a boom on third stage of Crystal Snake.

We are just about out of hydros, so I am running Aerys up to get more tonight. The graveyard is camped by hydro harvestors, so I am going to run the valley.

Got 9 Krayt hydros, then got spawn jumped, so died and threw those into process, then heading to Dath to do more of the Witches prologue stuff. If I see any 90 Rancors while I am out here, I'll squeeze them for their enzymes too.

...And that was a good run. 33 hydros to process (am processing all of them, since I ran that 0 pt test and go such solid results, there's no reason not to run everything). Also got five samples of Dath DNA, added a badge and another collection weapon. It reminded me how I should take a day and just complete every clicky collection I can, go exploring, get all the badges I have started.

Now set Aerys up to grind the Tauntaun. He's level 76, so it's the slow grind from here.

Got home from my trip and managed to log on just to flip processors and incubators. 3 As in the processors so that will be 3 20s I can make tomorrow.
Got a boom on last stage of  Mamien, so that's an extra bit of cash when it sells. No other booms.

Tried to set Aerys up to AFK, but the group leader did not have an invite macro running, so I just dragged her back to the lab again.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Tripping 1/12/2018

Blogging from the hotel. I am across the border for an event this weekend, and won't be playing much at all, but will flip sessions. I was thinking I might  afk while here, but I think I will want my laptop on hand for writing during the (very long) days of activities. Our hotel is an hour + walk from the site, and I am not feeling up to that, especially in costume.

I did log on briefly this morning, after packing madly. No booms to report, will be flipping next sessions in a half hour or so, and I really ought to take Aerys Krayting this evening, (if I don't collapse first) as there are less than twenty processed 20s left in the pack. But first, HOT TUB!

Nothing on any of the sessions: Malkloc on second with Benni, Crystal Snakes on firsts with Lifa and Osho, Malkloc on third with Aerys.

Set Aerys up to afk the Tauntaun some more: ooh, Okoral is in the group! He was kind enough to reach out to me via FB this morning, which was honestly quite sweet. I think he's going to do a bang-up job as the Mayor of Labyrinth.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Busy Day, Barely Playing 1/11/2018

Popping into game momentarily to flip incubators and keep Aerys afk leveling her pets. Tauntaun was level 20 when I logged last night, level 37 when I checked this morning. Caught one of the group actually at the keys when I checked, so had a good conversation about BM and stuff to start my day. Helped distract me from my mild morning headache, which was good.

There was an NPC called Rune: Fugitive Jedi that he asked about: apparently he caught aggrow when he showed up to grind and the silver elite NPC incapped him before he got in the group. So he asked me about him, and when I looked him up, I found this. I had no idea any of this content existed. Crazy how much depth there is to this game. Maybe, if I live so long, I may try out every profession and explore all this amazing content. It's wonderful to be able to even have the chance, so thanks, devs, past, present and yet to come. I love this game.

Nothing on First stage of Malkloc, Baz Nitch of last stage of Choku. Ocbar ordered a Squall, so I will run and get that DNA this evening when I pop back on after work. Aerys is on last stage of her Malkloc, so she can start the Squall for him tonight. He's not in a rush: needs to save up his creds.

I am pleased that I am actually getting illustrations up for this blog. It's not even hard, I just have to get into the habit of image-searching before posting, and also at least once a week, going through my old dropbox, photobucket and facebook pages and DLing more of my pics.

Well, as I said, it's a long day of RLBM ahead of me, so I am off for now.

...And TaunTaun is level 57 now.

Nothing on second sessions of Malkloc with Osho, or Baz Nitch with Lifa, or first session of Malkloc with Benni, or first session of Baz Nitch with Aerys. Logged off because very very tired.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Processing with Pennies! 1/10/2018

Up early, but still sore from oral surgery, so I took meds and basked in the glory of  warm bed and cuddly dog. Actually up a couple hours later, logged in to flip Aerys's incubator and noted the new Mayor of Labyrinth dropped some gardens in the plaza. It's looks... okay. The space would be better filled with bigger gardens. Meh, not my business, really.

Got a boom on stage two of the Malkloc. If I am very lucky,  that could turn this:

into this:

A girl can hope.

Nothing on Stage 2 of Mawgax on Osho, or stage 2 of Choku with Lifa, or stage 1 of Choku with Benni.

Hatched that poor quality Choku on Benni, named it CHECK LYASES. Consider that an expensive but tangible lesson. :P

Range on those 0 pt hydros is 7.25 to 10.87 in second stage. I put the highest ones into the reprocessor, (had enough of the elements to make 1 hydro). Will report back on that outcome this evening.

I tried to address that macro issue: we'll see if it works. Setting Aerys up afk, since I will be gone for most of the day, to try and get Astley up to 90.

We have 30 capped hydros, so I can prolly hold off hunting till next week, but... I will probably go tonight or tomorrow night. I am going to an SCA event this weekend, but bringing the laptop with. We'll see if I get much in the way of gaming done. May spend more time writing, which would also be good. Last year at this event I felt very disconnected from the group, and spent a lot of time bored and just sitting crocheting in a corner of the hotel lobby. I will make sure to pack some crafts this time as well: maybe get some of my backlog dealt with. But with the laptop, even if I can't game, I can write.

...And nothing on second stage of Choku with Benni, but a boom on third stage with Lifa: all the lyase misses are in defensive stats, critical hit is hard capped. I should hatch that one on Aerys. And third stage boom on Mawgax with Osho! That's a nice vendable beastie.

And somehow, I had missed that all Lifa needed was Exceptional Milk to finish her Truffle pig collection? Crazy! Got that done. now I guess I need to make another Piggie, so Soulei, Aerys and Benni can all hunt for Lyases together: a repeat of the original OG Chorus Line.

The Reek is level 89 with 50% of the level left. Yay! I will pull the Tauntaun when Astley is done. Although I should pop back to the lab to flip her incubator.

And nothing on last session of Malkloc, and I used a16 t hydro so it will be a 54 pointer.

Oh yeah, that experiment with the 0 pt hydros: they made an 16 / 3 processed hydro. Interesting.

Okay, enough gabbling. Catch ya on the flip!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Dathomiriad 1/9/2018

Started a Mawgax with Osho, and another Choku with Lifa: nothing on either of those first sessions. Nothing on last stage of Benni's Choku. Ran Osho around to the bazaar and vendors and spent 20 mill on capped lyases and isomerases. Popped over to Aerys, still on Dath and ran a bit more of the Prologue plant gathering quest. Have to go to work soon, so will finish that tonight.

So, small experiment because I found several 0 pt raw hydros on the bazaar and threw them in the centrifuges, and got a gain of 3.29 to 6.4, which is pretty cool to see. Seeing how they process up from here.

Nothing on first stages of Mawgax and Choku, and nothing on last stage of Choku with Benni. Also somehow managed to use a really shitty Lyase there, so that's a disappointing egg.

Dabbled a teeny bit more on Dath, but then my boyfriend came over and distracted me, so Aerys got 'et by Nightsister Rancors. Jedi Expressed ("Ranger Teleport", my honey calls it. He was an EQ addict back in the day) home and started the session on a Malkloc. No boom.

Late Nights and Left Over Elements, 01/08/2018

A - 15, B - 33, C - 22, D - 30, E - 16.  So I have the makings of 15 more 20s. No rush on starting those processes, though. We still have thirty 20s in stock.

Spent a lackadaisical afternoon hunting DNA on Yavin, mostly going after Choku, so I can test the combo to see if there has been a new mutation added to the game. Would love to earn the bounty on new critters that Lt Beefy is offering. Oh damn. I just noted that the patch notes were for Witches of Dathomir, which makes me wonder if... 

Here are the current stat-stat DNAs. Bageraset, Bane Back, Bantha, Baz Nitch, Bordok, Brackaset, Carrion Spat, Choku, Dune Lizard, Durni, Falumpaset, Flewt, Flit, Fynock, Gackle Bat, Gualama, Gubbur, Gurnaset, Hanadak, Huf Dun, Ikopi, Kash Bantha, Kima, Lantern Bird, Lava Flea, Mouf, Mynock, Peko, Pharple, Piket, Purbole, Reptilian Flyer, Ronto, Salt Mynock, Shauput, Shear Mite, Tanc Mite, TaunTaun, Verne, Vynock, VirVur, Webweaver, Whisper Bird, Woolamander

Here are the Dathamir DNAs:  Bane Back, Baz Nitch, Bolma, Bordok, Brackaset, Gaping Spider, Kwi,  Purbole, Reptilian Flyer, Shear Mite,Verne. 

So mebbe after I have finsihed the Choku set, I should go after... I dunno Baz Nitch? 

Woke up at 11 am, fed dogs and logged on only long enough to flip incubators. Got a stat hit on stage two of Lifa's Choku, but no booms elsewhere. Aerys was finishing off a capped Sand Panther for the vendor, Osho same, and Benni started a second Choku which will go on the vendor, if it's stats turn out not as nice as the one Lifa is cooking. 

When I get back from the dentist, I will run out to Dath, do more of the prologue quests and pick up some DNA from those critters. whee.

...and made 6 more 20s, and put two more runs through, so now have 9 less of every element.  May go buy some unprocessed ones tomorrow. 

Aerys is still on Dath: not having as much luck looking for plants as part of the WoD prologue, should wiki that tmorrow afternoon when I get home from work. 

For all that I was home most of today, I did not play extensively: too sore nad self-absorbed from oral surgery. Tomorrow is another day.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Testing, Testing 1/7/2018

Ran processors, flipped incubators, (nothing on anyone), Osho and Lifa have free incubators, so I am up on Yavin getting some DNA for testing.

While we did manage to find almost every single unknown combo for mutations on the live game (helped immensely by the latter day boosts to mutation chance), on Legends the devs are answering the requests of the Beast Master community by trickling out new mutations every couple of publishes, sometimes without notice, as happened with the Carax, a mutation from the Torton that was discovered by accident. I have had two mutations on a Torton DNA, early on in my return, so I know they added that in for us after June of last year. They added the Scurrier in (mutation from Kaadu) and teased it in the Publish Notes for the game update, so the community assembled a testing team.

There is at least one mutation added with the last publish, so we are once again assembling testers to try the known stat-stat DNAs. I'm going to test the Canines, because I like them, but also because I hope the mutation is for the Massif, a big old canine that was added with the Tusken King heroic, and that the BM community has long desired to be achievable by some means.

It is wonderful to be playing again and to be reliving some of those glorious moments of discovery. One day soon, I will have to retell the Forage Worm story, or find the link to where I have told it already...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Addiction Management 1/6/2018

Up later as I was in bed later, so my day is going slower than planned.

Nothing on first session of Sand Panther on Aerys, or first of Crystal Snake on Benni, or second stage of Sand Panther with Lifa, but a stat boom on second stage of Sand Panther with Osho.

 I need to ping Loche and let him know he designed a drug more f-ing addictive than cocaine, because gawd, I live for that boom. Spooner behavioural modification, random rewards as more addictive than predictable: living proof, sister!

Element count after all that processing is A - 3, B - 24, C - 2, D - 11, E - 8, with 33 20s and 14 processes <20s in stock. I will likely stock up on raws again this evening, but I have a shit tonne to do today, rl inventory maintenance: also known as ugh.

Brought Aerys to Eisley to log off, when I get home and can spare the time, I will grab a big fat buff and go krayting. Hopefully will run into others to hunt with as it goes so much faster with friends, and buffs aren't as crucial.

...And. It was a good hunt. Loaded up, I ran into a forum friend doing something (well, I suspect he was afk, in point of fact) in Mos Vegas sorry, Krayt City, whoops, still not right... Greyfox Dunes or whatever it's called. (In my head it will always be Mos Vegas.)

There was a Jedi out hunting pearls, so I grouped up with him and harvested all but one of the kills (got distracted with my show and missed the hit on one of them). Went home having used up an extractor and a half. Got tonnes of processables, then ran all the sessions due, but got no booms.

/macro sadaddict

Mellow Maunderings 1/5/2018

Misplaced my mouse last night so am trying to do my morning game stuff with the onboard mouse pad on the laptop. there are some challenges: I haven't figured out drag and drop yet.

Anywho, got nothing on last stage of Torton with Aerys, but it's still a pretty nice beastie for someone; got nothing on stage 3 of Rock Mite with Osho; nothing on last stage of Mamien: use a 14 pt hydro, so it's a 54 pt beast; and nothing on Stage 2 of Crystal Snake.

As I was setting up to do that last session, got a ping from my client to postpone till next week, and since the farm is still not fully thawed out, and I prepped enough feed till tomorrow, I am not going in today, which gives me more time to play, but also some time to get some inventory maintenance down around the house, which is a much more important use of my time. I will play more later, as a reward for getting some things accomplished around here, and to recover from the dental work I am getting done this afternoon.

Oh, hey, that's how you drag and drop on a laptop.

Ran processors and crafted up the last of the pet food batches (which had been waiting till I had some Bantha Butter), listed those and NOW I'm going to do my housework.

...And flipped processors. actually getting through most of those processed elements. we've had a larger than normal amount of Cs. Current count is A - 13, B - 26, C - 10, D - 19. and E - 15. I have six elements in process and three raw hydros to split, so I will do another count when those are out of the centrifuges, and we'll see where we are in the element balance then.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Life and Losses, part 2, 1/5/2018

Losing a friend hits in weird ways. I miss being able to ride along with Caro's wildness, even as at the time it was sometimes hard to "gear up" to spend time with her. I tear up when I think of her voice, her smile, her strength and her secrets, and wish so much I could have known her better.

In the game, the constant dealing with inventory is the only real reminder I have to deal with. I touched on it the last post, just the sheer volume of things. A life time of things. And because every object in the game is a 3 d realised object, I am coping with things irl and in game, and while I want to have those deco'd spaces, making the time to make those happen is harder to do.

At the same time I definitely use the vendor markets as the next best thing to retail therapy in real life, with the added benefit of actually having millions of creds to spend, which is a very nice, complete reversal of my actual real life bank account. The valuation of things on Omega is definitely different than on live, and I am still not as cognizant of the variables on it. So I go out to grab elements and enzymes, and end up with paintings and storage increase collections (which was less a desire and more of a need).

After spending the last 5 months dealing with real life stuff, I go out and buy... deco. To ya know, do deco. Sort stuff and put it away in smart and decorative ways in game. Like I don't do enough of that when I'm living? /sigh

It is strange to me that it was the death of a friend, an idol, really, back in 2011 helped me cope with the sunsetting of the game, and now I am using the game to escape some of the pain of this new loss.

Monday, January 8, 2018

To Do List, Item #1: Start a To Do List 1/4/2018

Logged in after blogging for a couple of hours.

Ran processors with Lifa, then used wrong combo on first stage of capped Mamien: if I have to occasionally use the wrong combo, first stage on a fresh DNA is not the worst time to do so.

Upgraded storage on Osho's house. No boom on first stage of capped Rockmite.

Over to the one I am super excited and trying to contain my excitement for. Need to see if I got the point distribution right for a capped Spined Rancor: met one yesterday while hydro hunting (called Little Gorvo). It was so cool. It's not a sign, I need not to pin hopes and feel the inevitable disappointment when it doesn't happen, which it prolly won't because these things very very rarely do (FORAGE WORM). Prepped the highest enzymes I had, the highest mutagen processed 11 (as that's all that would fit. And it didn't boom. I did not plan it out carefully, but still made a damned fine 59 pt Rancor. Will prolly hatch it on Soulei.

Need some mutatable DNA, so that will be my morning's work: Crystal Snake, Mawgax,  Angler, and Sand Panther DNAs. I should dual log so I have more critters per mission. If I had a combat alt with a capped out beast I'd go Lyase forage while I grind DNA, but mrrr,  I don't yet. Still haven't fixed my macro issue, either. Copious spare time and all that.

Got 10 decent DNA at Durbin, then popped over to Yavin to pick up a Crystal Snake mission. (How come I can't take two missions anymore? When did that change?) Got 3 good DNAs and clearly need to research the critters I need to hunt to get all the specials I should hunt for as soon as I have my Master Tamers... add that to my In Game To Do. Which should be a post on this journal. Sure...

...And boom! on session two of the Mamien with Lifa, so a chance for a capped out Graul there; nothing on second session of Rock Mite on Osho; nothing on first session of Crystal Snake with Benni; nothing on second session of Torton with Aerys. One good thing about blogging as I play is the tracking of the experiments.

Flipped processors, will do it again before I crash tonight. Tomorrow is a RL BM day. The cold weather has been slowing my work schedule way down but that means the beasts will be that much wilder and woolier when it finally thaws enough to ride.

Hydro Hunting Partner Sought! 1/3/2018

Finished sessions on two pets, got nothing on second stages of Bocatts, or third stage of stat mutated Bark Mite. Egged up an angler with a stat hit, started another and got another stat on first session, so two tries for a decent combat Rancor there. Might keep that one, for Soulei to hatch and use. Or sell it, since I spent 13 mill on enzymes this morning. Good thing that Borgax I had been saving went so fast at 100 mill. I can hopefully make more.

I think spending the creds on enzymes works out to a much more valid use of my time in game. I don't mind hunting for hydros, but Lyase foraging is a real time sink.

I have RL BM stuff to do today, and much of it is exciting for me, so I will be putting more mental energy into that.

I did note that recent entries of this blog are getting some views, so that's kinda cool! I'd love to hear from whoever is reading me: drop me a line here, or send an in-game mail to Aerys and we can connect!

Tonight I will likely go hydro hunting and see if I can hold out for more than an hour and a half, which usually nets me 20 hydros. If I could find a DPS partner, that could easily be doubled in that time frame.

...And boom to Rancor on Benni's Angler. One more try for a Spined Rancor tomorrow.

Got the hunting done: got 30 processable hydros as as just as my medic buffs were dying, a pair of fellow BMs showed up, so I got in another 20 kills. It was really nice to do a little killing with other Beast Masters.

After dropping them off, Osho ran to the vendors and bought me parts for storage collections, as the Lab inventory was getting ridiculous again. So that building has room for another 300 items, and Osho's shop for 200 more. One more thing off the list for my main.

Popped the processors on and I am gonna go to bed now. For future reference, drifting off while dragon hunting doesn't add to your surviveability!

Routine Rant 1/2/2018

Logging in briefly: have a day of out and about errands to do. No booms yet, finished an egg and started another on Lifa, nothing on first session of a Vorpal Durni, so scrubbed it. Nothing on third session of Mamien with Osho and nothing on second session of  Angler with Benni. Have another 40 mins to second session on Bark Mite on Aerys.

Going hydro hunting this evening, and will try to get discord up and running too. Would love to find a partner to actually *run* Krayts together, as I miss the speed and intensity of running with a partner.

...And yay, boom. Second stage of 60pt Bark Mite, so that has a chance to be a Kubazza. That makes me happy. So I am averaging a boom a day across all four crafting toons. Well, statistically speaking that data is actually worthless for not enough points, but it felt good to see it nonetheless.

Nope, no Kubazza, no Rancor, no Graul/ Meh. Mutations will be the death of me.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Deco Projects IG and IRL 01/01/18

Up and playing after a lovely New Year's Eve party at a friend's place. I logged on all the toons and just checked everyone over. Soulei is still level 45. I am half way to 90 with her. Going to respec her soon and finish off Legacy as priority 2. Priority 1 is making some creds, as I have sucked Lifa and Osho almost dry: spent some 80 mill in the last three days: but there were things I needed and wanted, and it's stopping me from spending all my RL money. :)

I will be decoing spaces, too, as a break from combat things. We have enough 20s for 15 capped 60 ptrs, so I won't be hunting much on Aerys for the next while. when we get down to 10 or so, I can throw in some effort on that. In the mean time, deco and leveling Soulei.

I did get a first stage boom on a Mamien (becomes a Graul if it hits the app boom) with Osho and an Angler (Rancor) with Benni, so that's a happy. That's three first stage booms: lots of chances for pretties. I don't want to hatch any of those (well, a 60 pt Rancor for Soulei would be cool...) so they will likely just be vended so I can afford to spend more  creds on deco and enzymes. :)

Other than that, today is a housework blitz day as my actual home needs some love and attention and my roomies will be home predictably soon and I wanted to surprise them with a pleasant home to return to.

... And no app on the third stage of the Torton, or second stage of the Mamien, but it could still happen for the rest. I did get a level on Soulei running Legacy on Naboo: may almost be done with the Naboo leg of the quests. She is level 46, her Jax is level 36, and is only getting xp from half the mobs we are assigned to kill. I had to call it a night though, as I am bored with looking for the clickable bits in a maze of a bunker, and am trying to get into a healthier sleeping pattern.

More tomorrow.