I have long enjoyed the seasonal activities of the various festivals that were added to the game in the later years. I can't decide which of them I enjoy more, but it's always fun to wibble away at the daily tasks, and buy cool deco with the tokens.
While I have only been dabbling away at the game in the last couple of months, I did get logged in for a couple of hours last night and do the Trick or Treating. Today I fought a couple of the other waves of ghosts, in hopes to get one of the loot drop paintings. I wasn't successful, so I just ran off and did a couple of steps of one of the Wookiee quests in between. I paid some exhorbitant price to get a couple of the loot paintings, just to have them. :) I'll keep doing stuff, but I think I have the ones I want. :)
There is apparently a haunted house I still need to find, and do that stuff, and with this publish they also gave us another mutant, so I will be digging through my stuff and making some attempts at canines and equines. I need to remake Pwneh anyway. :)
Old MMOs never die, they just get rebuilt, reverse engineered and then turned loose on a mourneful fanbase. These are the adventures of a noobdoc, Beast Master mutation addict and ex-Senator, living on in rags of past glory, and having a helluva good time doing it!
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Hot Fun in the Summer 7/29/2018
It has been a scorching couple of weeks here, and weirdly enough, that makes it easier for me to log in and play than I would have thought, as after a long hot day I get home and just want to veg. The game helps, and even if it's mostly digital, I still feel like I have accomplished something with my down time.
I have been decoing, hunting and shopping. Made a Horned Raptor a couple days ago, followed by a Psycho Jax, which was a personal first, so it's been a good week.
I got completely sidetracked into finding all the parts for a datapad repair thingie, and when I had done one, I had to do a datadisk repair thingie, which gave me a fixed datadisk which I could then put in the datapad and it's a chapter of a story! so cool!
Of course, the high of reading a smattering of that story made me want to unlock more! Oi. Well, I must have spent four hours on shopping and building all the kit pieces, only to find there weren't a lot of the one component out there. Ah well, I will keep my eyes open. They do make neat additions to the library.
I was shopping for enzymes when I found this rug!
Had to go get some, but the name string is broken, so they weren't coming up on a vendor search for rug. Actually very lucky I found them at all. I immediately bought out the whole market. :) I need to have a look at the rest of those broken command strings, see if tehre's any other deco I desperately want. Well, but I should likely wait till one of those mutants sells, as I am pretty close to flat broke after the retail therapy of the last couple of days!
I seriously love this thing so much, I might make one for realsies...
I have been decoing, hunting and shopping. Made a Horned Raptor a couple days ago, followed by a Psycho Jax, which was a personal first, so it's been a good week.
I got completely sidetracked into finding all the parts for a datapad repair thingie, and when I had done one, I had to do a datadisk repair thingie, which gave me a fixed datadisk which I could then put in the datapad and it's a chapter of a story! so cool!
Of course, the high of reading a smattering of that story made me want to unlock more! Oi. Well, I must have spent four hours on shopping and building all the kit pieces, only to find there weren't a lot of the one component out there. Ah well, I will keep my eyes open. They do make neat additions to the library.
I was shopping for enzymes when I found this rug!
Had to go get some, but the name string is broken, so they weren't coming up on a vendor search for rug. Actually very lucky I found them at all. I immediately bought out the whole market. :) I need to have a look at the rest of those broken command strings, see if tehre's any other deco I desperately want. Well, but I should likely wait till one of those mutants sells, as I am pretty close to flat broke after the retail therapy of the last couple of days!
I seriously love this thing so much, I might make one for realsies...
Monday, July 23, 2018
Rebel HAUS! YAAAAS! 7/23/2018
So on the excellent advice of one RokN, I went SF and did the last few missions for the new Reb house one at a time. I was killed a couple of times and was also reminded how running SF is a serious adrenaline high: I guess we can call that another NoobDoc moment. :) At any rate, I got the tokens and got the deed and... it's beeeeeautiful!
The achieving of the house got me fired up on deco again, so I have a plan for it now and will be throwing stuff in and wiggling it around for a while. as soon as it's done done and I am happy to have folks see it, I will be placing it and opening it to the public for viewing. I think it's going to be pretty cool. :)
Also got fired up enough to get that custom deco armour order finished, many thanks to Odidi for putting up with me weird request and doing a bang up job on the pieces. Cannot wait to get moving on the Couture shop! Have not decided which house style to put it in, though...
The achieving of the house got me fired up on deco again, so I have a plan for it now and will be throwing stuff in and wiggling it around for a while. as soon as it's done done and I am happy to have folks see it, I will be placing it and opening it to the public for viewing. I think it's going to be pretty cool. :)
Also got fired up enough to get that custom deco armour order finished, many thanks to Odidi for putting up with me weird request and doing a bang up job on the pieces. Cannot wait to get moving on the Couture shop! Have not decided which house style to put it in, though...
Monday, July 2, 2018
New Mutation Found! 7/2/2018
Barbed Vesp becomes something called a Horned Dune Kimogila. Stole the pic from the auction:
The first one on the server, ever, in the entire game, was sold at auction with an asking price of 850 mill (no idea how much it actually went for, but that was what the asking price was). Amazing.
That rounds out the last of the mutations the devs added last year. I've had a hint that they will be adding other new critters soon, I've specifically requested the Massif and the Guarlara be added to our craftable list, and if they are trying to think outside the box, Katarn and Praetorian should also be considered.
The first one on the server, ever, in the entire game, was sold at auction with an asking price of 850 mill (no idea how much it actually went for, but that was what the asking price was). Amazing.
That rounds out the last of the mutations the devs added last year. I've had a hint that they will be adding other new critters soon, I've specifically requested the Massif and the Guarlara be added to our craftable list, and if they are trying to think outside the box, Katarn and Praetorian should also be considered.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Anniversary Events and Other Distractions 6/27/2018
So Galaxies turned 15 years old a day or two ago, and I kind of wish I had more time to reminisce, as so many of my memories of this game are sweet and lovely, and not as bitter because I am busy making new ones.
The Legends team outdid themselves by making up an anniversary event that was a quest that takes players all over the Galaxy by getting them to answer riddles whose answers were locations. I actually went to the Emperor's retreat on Naboo, which was a first, for me. I love that even after 8 years of playing, there are still many places I haven't been and many things I haven't done in this game.
I had fun on the quest, and the prize is a new deco item which if I needed to level a toon to 90, I could use, and *finally* they have made it so the item is not consumed in the process. That pleases me immensely, as I like deco so much.
I had a stat boom on a Quenker DNA, but no other action in the incubators, and I have been pumping out processed hydros as fast as I can. Aerys has hunted enzymes every night except last night, and I will again tonight. I might also go shopping to see if there are bags of unprocessed out there for reasonable prices, or if anyone is up to hunting with me, as company makes it go much faster. I really should pick up a headset for gaming with.
Sold one of the capped crafted Binjinphant eggs for enough to recoup the cost of all that DNA and a couple of the hydros, and am currently discussing pet crafting with a newcomer: her husband wanted a canine type, I gave her a price and she said sounds great, except her husband used the enzymes on a mount (urk! what a waste of 89.4s and 11s!) and also had changed his mind to... a Rancor! So now I am explaining that mutations are not a thing I can produce on demand, even with all the capped stuff in the world, so... yeah. I recommended they spend some time on SWGpets to get a better idea of what pets are achievable for the price I quoted her. We'll see what she says.
Anyway, off to be a RL BM and trainer for the day. Back later to hunt some dragons!
The Legends team outdid themselves by making up an anniversary event that was a quest that takes players all over the Galaxy by getting them to answer riddles whose answers were locations. I actually went to the Emperor's retreat on Naboo, which was a first, for me. I love that even after 8 years of playing, there are still many places I haven't been and many things I haven't done in this game.
I had fun on the quest, and the prize is a new deco item which if I needed to level a toon to 90, I could use, and *finally* they have made it so the item is not consumed in the process. That pleases me immensely, as I like deco so much.
I had a stat boom on a Quenker DNA, but no other action in the incubators, and I have been pumping out processed hydros as fast as I can. Aerys has hunted enzymes every night except last night, and I will again tonight. I might also go shopping to see if there are bags of unprocessed out there for reasonable prices, or if anyone is up to hunting with me, as company makes it go much faster. I really should pick up a headset for gaming with.
Sold one of the capped crafted Binjinphant eggs for enough to recoup the cost of all that DNA and a couple of the hydros, and am currently discussing pet crafting with a newcomer: her husband wanted a canine type, I gave her a price and she said sounds great, except her husband used the enzymes on a mount (urk! what a waste of 89.4s and 11s!) and also had changed his mind to... a Rancor! So now I am explaining that mutations are not a thing I can produce on demand, even with all the capped stuff in the world, so... yeah. I recommended they spend some time on SWGpets to get a better idea of what pets are achievable for the price I quoted her. We'll see what she says.
Anyway, off to be a RL BM and trainer for the day. Back later to hunt some dragons!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Hunting of the Hydrolases! 6/25/2018
I flipped the processors this morning, and did a bit more sorting of my processing lab. I seem to have lost the bag labelled >16 of processed elements, or conceivably, it was empty and I just renamed it something and used it. I made two more 20s, so will likely start a couple Mantigrues in an attempt to get myself a Tikobi, the newly discovered mutation. Am now shopping on Lifa to pick up some A elements to process, so I can whip together a few more. As are way cheaper than finished hydros: I am very glad I got my processing lab together. Wish I'd done it before spending 120 mill on 20s, lol. Meh, easy come, easy go, honestly.
Ground out 20 kills, got 12 processables and 4 8s above 5 mutagen; started two chubas and threw in second session on the Mantigrue attempt. No juy there, but I did get a boom on the second Chuba DNA, so... a Chubafly egg tsale would help balance the books, I gotta say.
Figured it would be easier and more two-birds if I ran to Dath to hunt more hydros: need to get into the habit of hunting to feed the processors. Got to Dath, drove to the quest spot, but was passing out while killing rancors, which is a great way to end up dead, so Ima crash and play more in the morning, if I wake early enough.
More soon!
Ground out 20 kills, got 12 processables and 4 8s above 5 mutagen; started two chubas and threw in second session on the Mantigrue attempt. No juy there, but I did get a boom on the second Chuba DNA, so... a Chubafly egg tsale would help balance the books, I gotta say.
Figured it would be easier and more two-birds if I ran to Dath to hunt more hydros: need to get into the habit of hunting to feed the processors. Got to Dath, drove to the quest spot, but was passing out while killing rancors, which is a great way to end up dead, so Ima crash and play more in the morning, if I wake early enough.
More soon!
Monday, June 25, 2018
Real Life Beastmastery Is Not Always Awesome 6/24/2018
It;s been something of a rough week. Friday the 15, my beloved mutt The Woodge became lethargic and mopey, and late in the evening when he jumped up onto the couch he let out a yelp, as though something was very painful. I did a quick baseline exam, could see nothing except a slightly elevated temperature, and a mildly hunched posture, which could mean anything from tummy or back pain to constipation. I let it be, but when he did not improve over the next day, I took him in to the local vet hospital. (if only I were Aerys and had bacta tanks at my command... which leads to a whole different question...).
He was there for three days, having IV fluids and antibiotics, and a massive battery of tests including xrays and an ultrasound, only to find... nothing. He had a fever, it's down, but he is still maybe 30% energy and definitely still in pain on the back end from *something*. My next choice is going to ask a RMT I know who works on dogs to have a look at him. His pain has reflected in me: I am sad more and worried more and not taking the best care of myself while fretting over him. It was not cheap either, so right when I want to be spending more time at home with him, I am having to take more clients and push harder at work.
So yeah. I have logged in and at least gotten my processing lab back into workable condition, and have been making a few pets by the stupidest most expensive method of buying 20s on vendors, instead of hunting for and processing my own. Well, now that the lab is put together better I will get back to hunting and stocking my own crafts.
I think I will turn the NC lab house into a teaching lab, and set it up to help guildies understand how to process and incubate pets. Strikes me as it would make a good demo ground. I could set it up as a Beast Crafting School, could even cover all the basis: crafting components for Processing, processing cycles and incubation... Hm. That idea has potential. Maybe once I earn the super cool new reward for Empire Day celebrations: a Rebel themed house! Once again, I gotta say, I really appreciate the dev team working to keep this great server going and growing.
One of the two new mutations has been found: it's cool and I am looking forward to making one. The other is likely to be a third stage on a known simple, which means it's possible we won't see one ever, as third stages are super hard to achieve. I have done so twice in Legends though, so maybe... :) At any rate, it's either the Vesp or the Spined Snake, so I suspect we will soon see more of the Finned Blaggart and the Barbed Vesp on the bazaar.
Catch ya on the flip!
He was there for three days, having IV fluids and antibiotics, and a massive battery of tests including xrays and an ultrasound, only to find... nothing. He had a fever, it's down, but he is still maybe 30% energy and definitely still in pain on the back end from *something*. My next choice is going to ask a RMT I know who works on dogs to have a look at him. His pain has reflected in me: I am sad more and worried more and not taking the best care of myself while fretting over him. It was not cheap either, so right when I want to be spending more time at home with him, I am having to take more clients and push harder at work.
So yeah. I have logged in and at least gotten my processing lab back into workable condition, and have been making a few pets by the stupidest most expensive method of buying 20s on vendors, instead of hunting for and processing my own. Well, now that the lab is put together better I will get back to hunting and stocking my own crafts.
I think I will turn the NC lab house into a teaching lab, and set it up to help guildies understand how to process and incubate pets. Strikes me as it would make a good demo ground. I could set it up as a Beast Crafting School, could even cover all the basis: crafting components for Processing, processing cycles and incubation... Hm. That idea has potential. Maybe once I earn the super cool new reward for Empire Day celebrations: a Rebel themed house! Once again, I gotta say, I really appreciate the dev team working to keep this great server going and growing.
One of the two new mutations has been found: it's cool and I am looking forward to making one. The other is likely to be a third stage on a known simple, which means it's possible we won't see one ever, as third stages are super hard to achieve. I have done so twice in Legends though, so maybe... :) At any rate, it's either the Vesp or the Spined Snake, so I suspect we will soon see more of the Finned Blaggart and the Barbed Vesp on the bazaar.
Catch ya on the flip!
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Research Lab in New Chilastra 6/17/2018
Put in the research lab today, and got a solid start on the deco. Also spent a whack of cash on hydros just so I can get back into making beasts. Started a Binjinphant with purchased DNA, and got a mutation in the first session: couple more hours before I can flip that and see how we do in section 2.
Started a Jax in the Research Lab, and realised I will need a research suit made up. Will add the materials to the shopping list.
Research Lab needs storage, too, so I am going to check Lifa's other buildings to see if I can pull off any crates and use them there. Should also check to see that she's in fact finished her starge collections, while I am at it.
The other major task I have to get rolling on is setting up the processing lab again. I am considering bringing the muta processing to Naboo, and expanding it... not 100% convinced I can feed my own needs for raw hydros if I do, but it's worth considering. I could process the less than 6.5s for mutagen regardless of their raw muta. I should be able to triple the raw mutagen.
I need uncapped lyases as well: I feel bad about wasting 11s on uncapped or throwaway attempts.
Busy busy.
All of this is just helping distract me from the anxiety I am having about my poor dog, who has been in vet hospital since yesterday afternoon. I am worried, and the game is helping me not think too much about it.
Started a Jax in the Research Lab, and realised I will need a research suit made up. Will add the materials to the shopping list.
Research Lab needs storage, too, so I am going to check Lifa's other buildings to see if I can pull off any crates and use them there. Should also check to see that she's in fact finished her starge collections, while I am at it.
The other major task I have to get rolling on is setting up the processing lab again. I am considering bringing the muta processing to Naboo, and expanding it... not 100% convinced I can feed my own needs for raw hydros if I do, but it's worth considering. I could process the less than 6.5s for mutagen regardless of their raw muta. I should be able to triple the raw mutagen.
I need uncapped lyases as well: I feel bad about wasting 11s on uncapped or throwaway attempts.
Busy busy.
All of this is just helping distract me from the anxiety I am having about my poor dog, who has been in vet hospital since yesterday afternoon. I am worried, and the game is helping me not think too much about it.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
No Booms, But... 6/16/2018

So far no luck on getting a lair to spawn for me on Endor: I probably need to bring friends. /sigh
Good thing I have a rocking guild, who just set up a spot in the city for me to run a research lab in, and donated a bunch of enzymes to help that happen. A hunting party shouldn't be that hard to co-ordinate. I will need a headset though...
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Game Support
So two cool KickStarter campaigns I am assisting with: one just finished, and one just started. The one that just finished met its funding goal, is based on a crazy awesome couple of games that my roomies helped develop, and I highly, highly recommend them for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is the depth of LORE. These games are DEEP, and have some pretty fantastic and detailed thought behind them.
It helps that they are also ridiculously fun to play.
So there's that. If you are so inclined, check out Sword of the Stars, The Pit, Crypt of the Necrodancer, all by Kerberos Productions on Steam. And if you like 'em, dude, give them a good review! If you love them, ping me, and as soon as my copy of The Pit boardgame arrives, I will invite you over for an all-nighter play through. (You think I'm kidding...!)
The other project is a concept by one of SWG's own: a guy who was instrumental in players' understanding of a whole lot of game mechanics and balancing and combat. His armour mitigations chart was fundamental in explaining to people how diminishing returns work and why they are a necessary part of considerations in designing fun-to-play combat games. The game is called Rock, Paper, Monsters and I hope to god this things makes it's fundraising goals, because the guy behind it is great, the concept is cool and fun, and easy to learn but with some great variability (and expandability) built in. So please, check out the Kickstarter and if you see fit to support the game, thank you for helping a couple Galaxy players achieve a life-long dream (his to get the game out there, and me to play it with my friends!)
It helps that they are also ridiculously fun to play.
So there's that. If you are so inclined, check out Sword of the Stars, The Pit, Crypt of the Necrodancer, all by Kerberos Productions on Steam. And if you like 'em, dude, give them a good review! If you love them, ping me, and as soon as my copy of The Pit boardgame arrives, I will invite you over for an all-nighter play through. (You think I'm kidding...!)
The other project is a concept by one of SWG's own: a guy who was instrumental in players' understanding of a whole lot of game mechanics and balancing and combat. His armour mitigations chart was fundamental in explaining to people how diminishing returns work and why they are a necessary part of considerations in designing fun-to-play combat games. The game is called Rock, Paper, Monsters and I hope to god this things makes it's fundraising goals, because the guy behind it is great, the concept is cool and fun, and easy to learn but with some great variability (and expandability) built in. So please, check out the Kickstarter and if you see fit to support the game, thank you for helping a couple Galaxy players achieve a life-long dream (his to get the game out there, and me to play it with my friends!)
6/13/2018 Back at 'Er
I took a hiatus for a while, was working on a big-deal project in my medieval hobby group, and now that that is done with, I have some time and energy to put back into the game. I actually have been playing intermittently for a week or so, but now have actually gotten things moving forward in the BM side of things. so I figured I should maybe come back and post. I will be digging up a headset soon, so I cna start being social on the Discord again, as my guild is still quite active and busy and has even opted to start some RP, which is so cool: I cannot wait for that!
I did re-check the bazaar listings for 60 pt pets, and have some maths to do before I can report in a detailed fashion, but overall the market looks healthy enough. Double XP weekends definitely spike sales, however, which would point to the leveling grind still off-putting newer folks from giving combat BM a try. Anywho, with 216 beasts listed at present, the demand is being fed. Prices range from 5 mill to 35 mill for standard extractable DNA, which tells me some crafting BMs are not adept at reading the bazaar terminals. I have not done the market research on consumables and enzymes, but I would be very surprised if there was much profit to be had at 5 mill an egg. I will do that research sometime soon, just so I can present a detailed tracking. Six months is a good time frame for the kind of in depth market analysis I am thinking of.
It's my birthday today, and for my birthday I got: a stat hit on a Bolle Bol (hoping for any mutation, because I love the Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: I was the one to unlock the mutant on TC, and it was all Huntsya's Fault, but also because it's on the short list of possible new mutations the devs have added. They told us one is a Complex App; the other is not, and one is from Endor, one from Lok. While the Lok list is shorter, I like the beasties and the mutants from Endor better. Apparently there's also a new critter in the wild on Endor, but for all that I've been running around there
the last couple of play sessions, I have not seen hide nor hair of it.
Any way, I also got a stat hit on a Kliknik. As an Acklay to sell would be a great booster for the character bank at present, I also have not made a single Complex App since logging onto Legends, so... even though it's known, it would still be neat. And yeah, I'd sell the Mutant Acklay if I managed to make one: prolly get 4-500 mill for it.
I have enough 20s to finish out those two hits, but I definitely need to finish re-building the Processing Lab, and then spending a few nights stocking up on raw hydros and getting in the swing of processing again. Considering the uphill slog has definitely slowed me down some. I can overcome that.
I did re-check the bazaar listings for 60 pt pets, and have some maths to do before I can report in a detailed fashion, but overall the market looks healthy enough. Double XP weekends definitely spike sales, however, which would point to the leveling grind still off-putting newer folks from giving combat BM a try. Anywho, with 216 beasts listed at present, the demand is being fed. Prices range from 5 mill to 35 mill for standard extractable DNA, which tells me some crafting BMs are not adept at reading the bazaar terminals. I have not done the market research on consumables and enzymes, but I would be very surprised if there was much profit to be had at 5 mill an egg. I will do that research sometime soon, just so I can present a detailed tracking. Six months is a good time frame for the kind of in depth market analysis I am thinking of.
It's my birthday today, and for my birthday I got: a stat hit on a Bolle Bol (hoping for any mutation, because I love the Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: I was the one to unlock the mutant on TC, and it was all Huntsya's Fault, but also because it's on the short list of possible new mutations the devs have added. They told us one is a Complex App; the other is not, and one is from Endor, one from Lok. While the Lok list is shorter, I like the beasties and the mutants from Endor better. Apparently there's also a new critter in the wild on Endor, but for all that I've been running around there
the last couple of play sessions, I have not seen hide nor hair of it.
Any way, I also got a stat hit on a Kliknik. As an Acklay to sell would be a great booster for the character bank at present, I also have not made a single Complex App since logging onto Legends, so... even though it's known, it would still be neat. And yeah, I'd sell the Mutant Acklay if I managed to make one: prolly get 4-500 mill for it.
I have enough 20s to finish out those two hits, but I definitely need to finish re-building the Processing Lab, and then spending a few nights stocking up on raw hydros and getting in the swing of processing again. Considering the uphill slog has definitely slowed me down some. I can overcome that.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Triskadekaphobia 4/13/2018
It's been a good day. I was up at a decent hour, got permission from my boss to skip work considering the weather (a hearty spring downpour), so I did some housework and then checked on Discord to see what all I have missed over the past couple of (very busy) weeks. Got a custom crafting order, logged on to give a client the vendor wp, pick up the DNAs and some more lyases, and then logged Aerys on to get some hydros.
three hours later, 60 hydros in the packs, and I am running processors already. Nee dto ping Hoggle and ask him to log in so I can stop worrying about my processing lab going poof.
I will log back in this evening to flip the processors. Whee!
three hours later, 60 hydros in the packs, and I am running processors already. Nee dto ping Hoggle and ask him to log in so I can stop worrying about my processing lab going poof.
I will log back in this evening to flip the processors. Whee!
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Spotlight! 4/9/2018
Hey look, I made a Player Spotlight! Thanks, Kracken for the chance to talk a bit about the stuff I do in the game. :)
I have had way too busy a last couple of weeks, what with several larger events in a row and prepping for some other things: lots of projects underway and on the go, and the game kinda slid by the wayside. I am back into at least logging on every day, and did check the market prices again to update my spreadsheet, so that was cool. Observations, just on the surface, prices on uncapped 60 pt pets are dropping, and there are significantly more 60s on the vendors than there were a month ago. On average the prices are holding steady, but I expect those that have their eggs listed for 25 mill and more for standard extractables aren't selling. There are still significant gaps in the market, and any beast crafter could and should find niches within the market the way I have. I will continue to try to meet the demand for thsoe beast types: it's a flexible business plan that has kept me in good creds thus far.
I really need to go hunt up some hydros though. Oi.
Had a couple booms on a couple sessions but nothing pretty yet. very low on a few enzyme colours, too: weirdly enough, Red isos are hard to come by.
Witches of Dathomir has been added back in, so I need to get on with that, too. Thursday night is likely my only opportunity to get in a good gaming session this week, although my weekend is a little more open. We will see.
I have had way too busy a last couple of weeks, what with several larger events in a row and prepping for some other things: lots of projects underway and on the go, and the game kinda slid by the wayside. I am back into at least logging on every day, and did check the market prices again to update my spreadsheet, so that was cool. Observations, just on the surface, prices on uncapped 60 pt pets are dropping, and there are significantly more 60s on the vendors than there were a month ago. On average the prices are holding steady, but I expect those that have their eggs listed for 25 mill and more for standard extractables aren't selling. There are still significant gaps in the market, and any beast crafter could and should find niches within the market the way I have. I will continue to try to meet the demand for thsoe beast types: it's a flexible business plan that has kept me in good creds thus far.
I really need to go hunt up some hydros though. Oi.
Had a couple booms on a couple sessions but nothing pretty yet. very low on a few enzyme colours, too: weirdly enough, Red isos are hard to come by.
Witches of Dathomir has been added back in, so I need to get on with that, too. Thursday night is likely my only opportunity to get in a good gaming session this week, although my weekend is a little more open. We will see.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Boom Baby 4/2/2018
After most of a week away, I am back at it. Completely out of 20s so went and bought out everyone selling at less than 4 mill per. That's 28 in the lab now.
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 1=0
- Aerys: Whisper Bird 3=0
- Lifa: Thune 1=0
- Benni: Uwari Beetle 1=BOOM! (Evasion)
Was nice to poke my head in. I have a busy week of cooking ahead of me, so I will be logging in only to flip sessions, shop for enzymes and maybe do a hunt to stock up, till Monday next week. We are coming into my busy season, so I will be having less play time, need to concentrate on a lot of other things.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
It has been a week.
I have no stat booms in the incubators, have been playhing sporadically due to work and health and other factors.
Ran for two hours with a guildie last night and got some hydros for processing, which was good, as I spent 28 mill on processed 20s just to keep the incubators going. I hate feeding the market at that price, but sometimes, needs must as the devil drives.
Today is a big medieval club event and due to issues in my purview I am less than keen on going, but I volunteered for a vital job, so I kind of have to. My heart is *not* in it. This morning is going to be a *grind*.
...And that went better than I thought. I had a good time. the worst of it was completely unrelated drama. Yay! And then I got two Booms! Yay!
I have no stat booms in the incubators, have been playhing sporadically due to work and health and other factors.
Ran for two hours with a guildie last night and got some hydros for processing, which was good, as I spent 28 mill on processed 20s just to keep the incubators going. I hate feeding the market at that price, but sometimes, needs must as the devil drives.
Today is a big medieval club event and due to issues in my purview I am less than keen on going, but I volunteered for a vital job, so I kind of have to. My heart is *not* in it. This morning is going to be a *grind*.
...And that went better than I thought. I had a good time. the worst of it was completely unrelated drama. Yay! And then I got two Booms! Yay!
Sunday, March 18, 2018
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Lifa: Angler 3=0
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 3=BOOM! Strikethrough.
That's three stat hits on a Salty. Nice beast!
Off to be RL BM for the day. Back this evening. Hope I have enough energy to play tonight: need those hydros!
Friday, March 16, 2018
- Lifa: Angler 1=BOOM! (Dodge)
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 1=BOOM (Dodge)
- Benni: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 2=0
Osho's inventory is crammed with schematics: I should have a crafting day soon and get those items made up and put to use.
Ran about on Aerys and did some shopping for enzymes.
Ran about on Aerys and did some shopping for enzymes.
- Lifa: Angler 2=0
- Benni: Zucca Boar 2=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 3=
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 2=BOOM! (Health)
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Just ran processors last night, and loaded that Mutant Thune onto the vendor. Sold within three hours. We have a quarter billion in the bank now...
Oh, and Kracken pinged me with a request last night, so there's a thing we are working on together. Yay!
Oh, and Kracken pinged me with a request last night, so there's a thing we are working on together. Yay!
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Slight Delay... 3/13/2018
A menstrual migraine took me out of playing contention last night, so I did not even log in, much less score a hunt. I guess I will have to do that tonight, after work.
- Aerys: Gulginaw 3=0
- Lifa: Thune 2=BOOM (Strikethrough)
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 2=0
And... then...
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 3=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 3=BOOM! Tusked Bull Thune!
Yay! First one of those I've made on Legends! Oooh, I wanna hatch it, too... but no, creds are more needed than pretty muties.
I did run off and get an hour and a half's hunt done, got 30 hydros worth harvesting, could have done more but I was being a good hostess to a friend who was over for a visit. Tomorrow is another long day but at least I'll have some hydros in for processing. Short day's play, but good.
Crumby thing: chat servers and mails are down again. :(
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Back in the Saddle 3/12/2018
- Aerys: Gulginaw 2=0
- Benni: Angler 3=0
- Lifa: Thune 1=0
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 1=BOOM! (Critical Hit)
And back at work today, so will play when I get home.
Friday, March 9, 2018
- Lifa: Varactyl 2=0
- Benni: Angler 1=BOOM! (Evasion Rating)
- Oshorym: Bageraset 2=BOOM! (Strikethrough)
The guild is setting up a BM Test lab, which is wicked cool, so I will be stripping all the lower grade isos off the vendor and throwing them into that, as well as processing a bunch of mutagen hydros for testing/confirming purposes. I think with a dedicated effort we could find the new mutants. :) I will likely throw Benni and Lifa into that, as I am currently overproducing beasts for my own sales and use purposes.
That said, we have over 150 mill between all 5 toons, and that's a pretty comfie cushion for how I play. I spend it like water, but it seems to flow back when I do so. I think I will offer up one of the Tiglon eggs as a prize for the next Guild event.
To be honest, I am straight up just not used to having folks to play with. My style has been shaped around working things through on my own for so long, I need to get back into shared and co-operative gameplay. You know, when I have the time and my head stops protesting headsets quite so much.
- Lifa: Varactyl 3=BOOM! (Block Chance)
Okay, whoa. That is the first time I have had two stats on the same stat! I didn't even know that was possible!
- Benni: Angler 2=0
- Aerys: Gulginaw 1=0
Anyway, I am off for the weekend, after a quick day at work, so I doubt I will be on to play much till I get home.
Well double everything is over and the clickables are gone, but I can still get all the paintings, so that pleases me. The thing is, waypoints to all the clickables are pretty much known and it's just a question of plugging them all in and driving around heall's half acre clicking on random shit. That's an afternoon, right there. The Force Shui stuff isn't even that long. Benni and Osho are I think the only ones who need it now.
I am very glad to have participated in thos events: felt good to be visiting places and looking for things. Speaking of which there is still one undiscovered VIP ticket left... I am trying not to obsess. :P
I am very glad to have participated in thos events: felt good to be visiting places and looking for things. Speaking of which there is still one undiscovered VIP ticket left... I am trying not to obsess. :P
- Aerys: Kliknik 3=0
- Lifa: Varactyl 1=BOOM (Block Chance)
Dont have time for any more experiments this morning. Also need to buy cans, so I guess I am sending Aerys off to do that, since Osho is still sampling on Mustie. Have 11k of that ore so far. It's really not very much. :(
Thursday, March 8, 2018
- Aerys: Kliknik 2=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 3=0
Did my price checks and accounting a few days early, but only because I may not be loading anything new onto the vendors until after the weekend.
Market is pretty healthy, likely because of the double xp. -4 in inventory from the last check, but only 5 mutations left on vendors, from last week's 11. I sold 221 mill in stock, 218 of that in capped beast eggs. Not unhappy with those numbers.
I am OUT of processables, so need to do a big hunt today or Friday, before I leave for the weekend's event. If I can get a good couple of bags full of hydros, I can restock the vendor with some more varieties of eggs, instead of always working on the same beast types. Definitely Corellian Slice Hounds do not stay on my vendor for long, so will need some more of that DNA. Not on terminals! gr, argh.
- Oshorym: Bageraset 1=0
Ran out of time to test the rest - realised I had very little time to finish the collectables for the anniversary event, and I never did get all the paintings... ah well. Got Force Shui on the three mains, and all the statues and most of the flowers, so I am not upset. I could only really be mad at myself, because I have had lots of time to play, just no inclination.
Well, beddie-byes. Will log in in the morning and flip processors before work.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Ugh, the Struggle is Real 3/6/2018
- Lifa: Voritor 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Aerys: Kliknik 2=0
Sliggy was level 84 when I went to bed; he's 90 now. :) Double xp for the win. I think I should go grab that Tiglon egg and maybe hatch it...
Nope, still not sold on hatching the Tiglon on Aerys. Long day at work today, going to leave Osho hand sampling. he got 3k of the Ore overnight. And none today. weird.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
- Aerys: Dewback 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 1=0
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0
Good spawn of iron up on Yavin and Dath so going to drop an elite on that before setting Lifa and Osho up to hand harvest on Mustie while I go to work.
- Aerys: Kliknik 1=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 2=0
- Lifa: Voritor 2=0
Finally wrote a better macro for sampling. Only on a 33% spawn so it;s just eking along, I will ask Oko tomorrow if there's a better place to get this stuff. Lifa is on a nice 70% spawn of the Iron, so that's good. She already has 100k of it. :)
Bed now. Head still a bit shakey.
Monday, March 5, 2018
- Aerys: Dewback 2=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 2=BOOM! (Block Value)
- Lifa: Quenker 2=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 1=0
Popped over to the grind sppot to see if there was a group going. There are two, but neither has an invite macro running. Grumph.
Gotta get ready for work now, though. Sliggy is level 69, we'll see how far he gets in the next few hours, sitting on a solitary spawn.
Sliggy is 71, and the mayor in the town my toons live in pinged me on FB to let me know there' s agood spawn of ore on Mustafar and he needs as much of it as I can get. So when I switch out the incubators, I am going to plop both of my crafters on the spawn and hand harv as much as I can. even a couple k will help him out, and he's been great to work with and play with, so every little bit helps.
- Lifa: Quenker 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 2=0
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Incubating Ideas 3/3/2018
I have been spending way too much time looking for one of those last VIP tickets. It's frustrating: a puzzle I think I could solve, but seem to not be successful yet... I don't want to try too hard, and I am a bit miffed that at least three of the tickets have been found by Senators who are already getting into the party. so that;'s lame. I need to poke Ash about that, actually.
And they are two separate events, which satisfies my curiosity about it. Stull really want to find the damned ticket though. :(
- Benni: Guf Drolg 3=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 2=BOOM! (Parry)
- Lifa: Voritor 3=0
- Aerys: Angler 2=0 (Scrubbed)
Broke for work, then flipped processors and incubators and ran around some more on Soulei looking for that ticket. No luck yet.
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0 (No Lyase message)
- Benni: Gulginaw 1=0
- Aerys: Dewback 1=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 3=BOOM! (Evasion)
- Soulei: Dewback 1=0
First session on Soulei in what I think is over a year.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Ran Aerys to Yavin to look for one of the last 2 VIP tickets but no joy in the spots I thought of on Yavin. I will check Talus and Corellia next.
- Aerys: Angler 1=0
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0
- Oshorym: Bol 3=0
- Benni: Guf Drolg 1=0
And back on, flipped processors, did some crafting on Osho (made up all those purple Light Gens) and looked at the schema for the collection reward plants and all that. I have a short shopping list of stuff I need. Also bought a LOT of rugs off of a vendor. Yay, rugs. Still, wish I had some way to get some of those other rugs they have the art assets for. I should campaign the hell out of that.
- Lifa: Voritor 2=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 1=0
- Benni: Guf Drolg 2=0
- Aerys: Angler 2=0 (Scrubbed)
Ran Aerys into the Warren, following the wiki guide, since I am not running with anyone who knows what they are doing. Did fine, got the Hawkbat DNA, and then got thoroughly turned around trying to get out. Made it. Going to do a bit more running about killing things tonight, but cannot stay up for too long, as I do have work tomorrow.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Another Day, Another Credit 1/3/2018
- Aerys: Voritor 2=BOOM! (Kimogila!)
- Benni: Varactyl 3=0
- Lifa: Chuba 2=BOOM! (Critical Hit)
- Oshorym: Bol 1=0

Having the Chuba hit on second gives me a chance at Chubafly, which would be great. I'd like to give a nice mutant to Kalley to say thanks for having me in the guild.
I had fun at the Anniversary event yesterday. I will have to count the schematics, but I think I have completed all the clickables on all of my toons. Then Osho can build all those schema, and I can maybe start on the Garden project. Need to make up those painting schems too: sounds like a crafting day is called for.
They have only 5 of the VIP tickets left. I half really want it and half know my weekend get so busy after this month that I know I will struggle to ensure I can even attend.
I guess if I stumble across the ticket, I will do everything I can to attend. If not, then I will interpret that augury as it was not meant to be. I only plan to look for it tonight, or when I am not doing anything else.
Soulei has levelled out of her gain, so I need to kind of whip through the content until she is getting XP again. I have played through at least this far. I think I did some of the Talus stuff before as well. Will have to see when I have to start paying attention to the story again.
- Oshorym: Bol 2=0
- Lifa: Chuba 3=0
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Second Anniversary 2/28/2018
- Oshorym: Flit 2=0
- Benni: Varactyl 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 3=0
- Aerys: Voritor 2=0
Ran about a bit in Doaba for the celebration, completed a couple collections. I will be doing the same on all my toons, and then finishing the night out on Soulei, as it is double everything for the next week.
- Oshorym: Flit 3=0
- Lifa: Chuba 1=0
- Benni: Varactyl 2=0
Now on Soulei having taken everyone else up to Doaba to complete their collections that are there. The only one I am struggling with is the bloody plants. No idea where the last 2 are hiding.
Ha! Found 'em. Will go back and get those schems on the toons missng them. Yay!
Soulei bounced three levels just finishing off her current missions in Legacy and poking those collectables in Doaba. Awesome. :)
But I've been drifting off at the keys for a while, so beddie byes time for me.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Swoop Racing 2/27/2018
- Benni: Angler 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 1=0
- Oshorym: Slice Hound 3=0
- Aerys: Bolle Bol 3=0
No Booms today, so far. I did get in some krayting in the morning, when my work plans fell through; looted a Flawless Ancient Pearl off the first Ancient I killed. Made sure to deliver it to my guildie's vendor before I logged Aerys off to run the processors. I do have pretty solid luck on those loots, actually, and I love being able to help out guildies!
There is an event on Endor today: Love Fest speeder race. I need to ask Ash if BARC's count.
Had a grand time anyway: ran the race on Benni, then ran it again using her Light-Bending Podracer, and creamed the record. Didn't matter for the event, but felt amazing nonetheless. afterwards Kyoopid showed up so we got that badge too. Super cool.
After the event I didn't feel like going back to the grind, so I ran Benni and Aerys off to Tat to try the Mos Espa track. Did not get the record, but it was fun. After that I grabbed Aerys' Tat exploration badges, including Fort Tusken. Then friends showed up and we did some in person RP gaming.
Logged back in before bed, flipped incubators and processors, but had not managed to throw in any more 20s, even though I had the enzymes, so I opted to spend the funds and go buy some finished 20s so I could at least finish the current sessions.
Was watching a show with the roomies, so I puttered around with some deco in the meantime: got the cantina sort of started, and found the missing back of modifier pieces for the next BM suit. Glad I found them eventually, but man I am bad at keeping track of what is where.
Vendor in Sin City that had the lowest price also had a bag of 50 7+ raw hydros, and it only took me a minute to opt in: that is 400k per; and at a rate of maybe 15 processable an hour, that saves me about 5 hours of solo, in-game time: so very much worth the price, especially because I actually had the cash, since pet sales have been good lately.
- Oshorym: Flit 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 2=0
- Benni: Angler 2=0 Scrubbed.
- Aerys: Voritor 1=BOOM! (Critical Hit)
Nine 20s in stock and two more in construction, and those 50 hydros should make me at least 15-18 more. And I am off to bed.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Heroic Return 2/26/2018
Oh man that was a great evening!

We lost four citizens but I sorta found my rhythm, so that was good. I have to say though, I am kinda nerved about the next one though. IDS. I died a LOT on the ISD, back in the day.
Running around the gunboat like a curious chicken at the moment. I had wanted to find the cockpit and found all these other rooms instead. Weird. And then there's all these explosions as the ship is getting the crap shot out of it!
And then I got lost, and one of the party had to come back and show me where they all went. I drew aggro at the wrong places, but only died the once, which I will count a win, on top of the win of the actual successful completion.

I am so very happy I have a good group to run with again. I missed this.
Such a good night.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Numbers Nerd 2/26/2018
- Aerys: Bolle Bol 1=0
- Benni: Swirl Prong 2=0
- Lifa: Varactyl 2=0
- Oshorym: Slice Hound 1=0
I am taking Osho iso shopping, since we are really low on many colours. One of the people in Chill in game chat was asking where folks farmed their enzymes, and I was right there with her when Kalley answered "The Bazaar".
Bazaar: 1 @ 100k
Corellia: 2 @ 100k
Tat: 1 @ 75 k, 2 @ 200k, 2 @ 250k, 50 @300k
Naboo: 2 @ 100k, 1 @ 150k, 2 @250k, (and then I got distracted by a vendor selling all the various colours of flower bouquets from all the years of the Ewok Festival of love and I was massively inspired to do up flower gardens and a lush bedroom for Aerys, and... I literally filled my inventory with flowers. LOL I might be a girl. Had to run home again and store everything I bought. Good thing I emptied the lab of some of its DNA and enzyme overstock, so there is more room for DECO STORAGE. I swear to gawd, my ADD is in highgear today!)
Rori: 2@26,666, 3@46,666, 6@14,6666, and 1@396,666
Lok: whoops, forgot, I bought them out the day before yesterday...
So total spent: 18,594,922. Total bought: 75 Average Price: 247,933. |So 250k is about what I should be paying for them. Other maths to consider: it takes 3 of those top grade enzymes per capped beast egg, so that's 750k in the cost of each beast.
Consumables: Extractors are 4,666 a use, it takes 7.5 uses minimum to make 1 pet: that's 35k per egg; Trays are 130k cpu, it takes 4 per pet : that's 520 k per egg;
Cans are 120k cpu; it takes 15 per pet; that's 1.8 mill per egg;
Capsules are 100k cpu; it takes 3 per pet, that's 300k per egg;
Lyase average 500k cpu; it takes 3 per pet, that's 1.5 mill per egg;
Top Isos average 250k cpu, it takes 3 per pet, that's 750k per egg;
Bottom isos average 50k cpu; it takes 3 per pet, that's 150k per egg;
And Geothermal is 10 cpu, it takes 7500 units per egg, that's 75k per egg.
So total average costs, ignoring investment in machinery and BM modifiers (which is significant), and that there is bottlenecking of elements and processes: it costs 5, 095, 000 to produce one capped beast.
That means anyone selling at 6 mill or less is likely taking a loss, or crafting all their own consumables, and foraging their own Lyases. That's really the only way to drop the price significantly. My price at 9 mill is about as low as I want to go unless the prices on Canisters and Lyases drops significantly.
It is funny that I was never that much of a maths nerd before this damned game came along, and now I absolutely love wiggling around with the numbers. No math teacher I ever had could have persuaded me that statistical analysis would become a hobby of mine.
Okay, off to have some teeny bit of fun. I need more hydros! Rawr!
- Lifa: Varactyl 3=0
- Benni: Swirl Prong 3=BOOM (Strikethrough)
- Oshorym:
Sunday, February 25, 2018
GUILDED! 2/25/2018
- Benni: Kliknik 1=0
- Lifa: Gulginaw 1=0
- Oshorym: Zucca Boar 1-BOOM (Evasion Rating) 19.02 Mutagen
- Aerys: Chuba 2=0
Ran off to buy elements since I have not managed to go for a hunt yet. I jinx myself, and I know I do it. Later today, if I get my housework done.
- Lifa: Gulginaw 2=0
- Benni: Kliknik 2=0
- Oshorym: Zucca Boar 2=0
Spent some time doing a bit of market analysis. I need to pump out some eggs and try and have loaded vendors for Easter weekend, since that is the next big break for folks. Definitely sales slowed down after Christmas holidays, and I'd like to have a lot more gap fillers on the vendor for the next big bump. Of course, that requires going hunting: I need a shit tonne more hydros.
Got set up to Krayt, killed six dragons then went to make myself a cake (it's a thing I do), and came back to find that I had literally *just* died. Pet was set to Passive. /sigh. Cloned and threw the 5 processables into the Centrifuges, and flew back to Tat to get rebuffed and try again. Same ent, which was great. There is a slew of Rebs on this hill helping me hunt, which is cool. Do Stormtroopers help people hunt? Not that I've seen, but maybe if they are Imperial? Anyone know?
Holy crap. Grouped up with a new friend, who was running a STUNNER of a Spined Rancor (so jealous...)
We chatted a bit, and he asked that question no one seems to: why aren't you guilded? Next thing I know I am invited into his guild, which also contains a couple old friends from my live Senate days. :) Yay! I have friends again!
I'm such a noob.
Extracted about 25 good hydros, will need to do more tonight to get my stocks back up, but I have a feeling I will never lack for hunting partners. <Chill> seems like a good bunch, and there are afew BMs in the guild.
Time to get on with my housework. I am back to shovelling tomorrow, so have to get the place in as close to orderly as I can before then.
- Aerys: Chuba 3=0
- Lifa: Varactyl 1=0
- Benni: Swirl Prong 1=0 (NO LYASE MSG...)
- Oshorym: Zucca Boar 3=0
WAH! I wanna mutant! Pblpblpblpblttzshpllll.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Dumb Durni / She's Got the Look 2/24/2108
- Aerys: Chuba 1=0
- Benni: Mawgax 3=0
- Lifa: CuPa 3=BOOM (Strikethrough Rating) RAW HYDRO (2.93 mutagen)
- Oshorym: Dewback 2=0
So I had thought I would be unable to attend the event today, but because of RL weather, the day has opened right up. So I set to work making new clothes for Aerys because I was super tired of her being in the same old stuff, and wanted her to have a lush new look for the event. Then I looked over the event details and it's a PvP event. Yay? I will still go and still have fun (may park my dancer on site to buff incoming players rather than fight, considering how badly I will suck at PvP without maxed stats or specials on my beasties. butthe whole thing doesn't happen till 3:30, so I had a lot more time than I'd thought, which is awesome.
Aerys still needs a new look, so I am running off to Naboo to buy a couple bags of Marauder Armour for her and Benni to wear. :) I might also hatch that spare Tiglon egg with Benni and get her leveling up with her Build-a-Buff collection, if this thing is a go.
So spent an hour and a bit making whole new outfits for Aerys and Benni, and then ran Benni up to Endor. Popped back out of game to find out the co-ordinates for the Rebel prep camp and I am the dumbest Durni in the Galaxy. The event is next weekend. I swear to god...
/tar self;
/macro dumbdurni
Well, it wasn't a waste, per se, I did get a pretty cute look together for both ladies. Even IDed Aerys to move away from her more severe look. Also, the sheer incursion of RuPaul's Drag Race into my life has given me such love for Aerys' big fat lips... I spent 5 minutes just picking the right lip colour for her. I even changed the colour of her eyes, which is something I have not done since she was born on Starsider 15 years ago.
OMG. 15 years. I'm old. So is Aerys, although at least *she* doesn't look it. ;)
Here was one of my earlier looks on Starsider. I wore an Ubese armour shirt recoloured to match the Reb Sleeves. I loved this look, especially since so much of my game was playing a Hardcore Rebel Bitch.
If I didn't want to get /licked in public by strangers, I wore a Belted Skirt or Thin Striped Pants.

Armour recolour kits allowed me to customise my deco sleeves for all kinds of looks and moods, which I probably did a few times a year, in keeping with special events or just the overall feel of things.
This combination is with the Mabari Armourweave pants, which are just such a good shape. I'd wear these in real life!

I have yet to get Aerys up past Private in rank, but I did go an buy a couple of options to get her the Biceps, at the least. I do miss the Rebelicious days.
(I might have to go shopping for a fun Rebel guild... any suggestions? I'm looking for multi-aspect, light PvP and Heroics, and some real guidance on Space, eventually. I am a dedicated player , which should be obvious from this blog... anywho, if you know of such a Guild, comm me a comment!)
I fell in love with Nightsister accessories as soon as they became available. I was given a Beret schematic in the earliest days of the Heroics, and wore it pretty non-stop thereafter.
This outfit is the penultimate Aerys look. Mabari Armourweave Skirt with a sideslung Simple Belt, Ubese Armour shirt and Marauder sleeves, Nightsister hat over it all. I recall the Ubese shirt took the place of the Low-Cut because of the cowl neckline of the Beret.

It's very interesting to compare this with the opening choices of Legends. The teal and red are true and bright, all the beasts are coloured to match (as much as possible), and while I'm clearly sad, there's a brightness to it overall.

Now compare: here's the first Legends look. Nightsister hat, Guise of Ice and Doctor's Dress, in dark red and dark teal, very muted and subdued, in comparison. The shades hide the blood really well. The RIS armour biceps showing was purely laziness: I just never got around to making a set of invisible forearms for her.
Coming back to the game, I went with what I recalled were the old comfortable colours: I was pretty sure this combination of raspberry and dark teal was what I closed the game out with back in 2011, (although I recall briefly considering I'd need a new outfit to match A'dmiral Acklay, since he was a weird purple shade, and not dyable.) Yet now, I can clearly see and compare, and they are very different. It's clear my mindset and the sorrow I was feeling on coming back to the game, but having lost everything, having to start all over, even relearning so much basic stuff.
So here is Aerys' new outfit. Shades she has never worn before, and while it is a revamp of her old style (I know what I like), and the feel is fun and different.
I am very glad the sorrow has faded, and that the game gives me joy and comfort, as it did when I was at my lowest. I am still amazed by the depth and detail the whole thing has, and while there is much I have recalled, there was a lot I had forgotten, and so much more I never learned.
So as I am writing this, I have my ent running through her entire song repertoire, because that was something I never did on live. And she's doing it in new clothes.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Timing is Everything, also, the Forage Worm Story 2/23/2018
- Aerys: Durni 3=0
Ha! Now I have an hour and a half on all my other incubators. Fffffforage Worm. Well, this is as good a time as any to tell the story.
The Forage Worm Debacle
If you don't know, it takes two mutations to change most DNA's to an appearance mutation. Some, it takes three: Acklay used to be one of these, and Varasquactyl, Spined Rancor, Spiny Gorgilla, Mutant Acklay and Blackwing Rancor are all three-stage mutations. I don't recall how many of these we even knew of at the time this incident happened. (EDIT: we had combos for and had achieved Acklay, Spined Rancor and Varasquactyl, but the Blackwing Rancor hadn't been unlocked yet. Spiny Gorgilla was not achieved until Legends.)
The other thing of which many newer players won't be aware is that the colour combinations for most DNAs weren't known. There were several, concerted efforts on both live and test servers to try and find and prove the combinations that would trigger mutations, but since it was a fairly low percentage chance, even with all factors maximised, the testing took years to get through all combinations to unlock the mutation combination for each DNA. This research and the spirit of scientific co-operation that it fostered are a very big reason I love this aspect of this game so deeply.
I was running sessions on the newest looted DNA that had been added, (I think through the Rare Loot System), which was the Forage Worm. We knew the lyase colour. My routine was to run three sessions with different isomerase colours, but we were to do a confirmation session if we got a boom, since there was a slim chance of a mutation with any colour combo. So, I loaded my incubator with some new DNA, and hit the boom on first session. I waited to confirm, just letting Ztez know I had a possible combo, so he could add the combo to his proof queue. (He was co-ordinating one of the TC labs at the time).
It was very late at night when I hit second session, which acted as a proof of the combo. I had top grade enzymes already set aside and could even feel what was about to happen, fate being the bitch she is. I joked about it but I had a sick feeling I wasn't wrong: I was going to use the combo and get a third Boom and it was going to be a stat, and I would have wasted my one chance to get an Acklay or Blackwing or whatever.
So, I wasn't wrong. But the funniest part is that I was on Ventrilo with many of the Beast Masters at the time it happened. Now, you have to know this: I was the Senator, and a few months before the election, I had won Beast Master of the Month, which was a community recognition we used to give on the forums to reward our most involved and helpful players. Most of my nominations commented on how nice and polite and helpful I was. These guys had this image of me as a super sweet mom type, the June Cleaver of SWG.
I was apoplectic with rage at the thought that that one stupid ugly critter could have been something amazing like an Acklay or Varasquactyl, which I had been trying for, for months and I just knew, down really deep that it was really unlikely I would ever have a chance for another third stage mutation. As soon as the I saw the lightening, I literally went off. My crew suffered severe shock at hearing me absolutely launch into a torrent of the bluest language imaginable.
My friends were amazed and appalled that their sweet LollipopDoc had such a foul mouth, and as the tsunami of profanity continued, some of them got worried. "Lolli, are you okay?" Hoggle asked, when I paused long enough to draw breath.
"I'm... just... so... ffff -" but as I realised how off the handle I was, the F-bomb morphed into the source of my ire. "FORAGE WORM!!!"
And a legend was born.
To this day, my kids taunt me with the fact that I will sometimes use Forage Worm as a swear.
And now you know.
- Benni: Mawgax 2=0
- Lifa: CuPa 2=0
- Oshorym: Dewback 1=0
Have not determined if I will scrub the fails... I will decide when those sessions are up, in about 10 hours.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
- Aerys: Durni 2=BOOM (Strikethrough Rating)
- Benni: Purbole 3=0
- Lifa: Flit 3=0
- Oshorym: Carrion Spat 2=0
So there is a chance for another cross off the list tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.
Definitely going to book a hunting party for this evening. Hydros, bitches! I have exactly enough in stock to make it through till the next set of processes are done. I don't want to waste an hour and a half hunting, when with the same amount of time running with a friend, I can amass so many more, it just makes it so much more worth my while.
I am feeling quite optimistic about my game plans and fun, and finding the only problems are in the lack of time I have to devote to some things. I have too many hobbies.
So spent over 3 hours in game, almost done the Clone Hunter quests, and got lots of good DNA, which is awesome. But I have kinda wasted my day, and really need to get some other stuff done today, so I am logging for a few. I would like to get in a hunt tonight: hope Vlos is up to running with me on that.
And... no Vlos and no hunt, so I am just running Aerys home to flip her incubator. Gawddamit. hour and a half to go. I am too tired to stay up and hit that session tonight. Mrrphle.
- Benni: Mawgax 1=0
- Lifa: CuPa 1=0
- Oshorym: Carrion Spat 3=0
- I wish tehre were a way to check incubator timers from elsewhere in the Galaxy. Rarglenarglefargle.
- Aerys: Durni 1=0
- Benni: Purbole 1=0
- Lifa: Purbole 1=0
- Oshorym: Purbole 3=0
Went to work for RL BM stuff, came back and realised I had not manahed to throw any 20s into the machines, so was down to three to run the four sessions I had on the docket. Threw the processes together, should have 12 more in as many hours, but went and bought three at 3.5 mill each anyway. I can see what the market is where it is, if 20 pt hydros with crap for mutagen are on the bazaar at 3.5 mill each. No wonder my capped beasties sell at 9 mill per.
- Lifa: Flit 2=0
- Benni: Purbole 2=0
- Oshorym: Carrion Spat 1=0
- Aerys: Durni 2=
I have lots of uncapped hydros: need to throw down a bunch of mutant mount attempts and burn through some of those uncapped enzymes. Dewbacks, Borgles/Mawgax and CuPas, fo sho. Only thing I need is DNA. Guess I better get Aerys out there collecting again. /sigh, /yawn
Welp picked up a few nice samples of DNA, will have to see what they net me in booms. :)
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Not the Pharple 2/20/2018
- Benni: Pharple 2=0
- Lifa: Pharple 2= BOOM (Evasion Rating) So it's not the Pharple.
- Oshorym: Purbole 1=0
- Aerys: Dalyrake 3= 0
Have to go buy more enzymes: completely out of purple lyases. So I took Osho and headed off, found some good prices and am spending all our money again. :) I have to make sure I leave 24 mill so I can buy a few more crates of processing consumables. Had just bought an Ornate Rug for 28 mill when a new customer bought that Salt Mynock egg I made last week. Guess i'll have to make another one. They are the best damagers of the Nock beasts.
Off hunting Krayts, just a little behind schedule, as I had planned to be doing this in the morning, but had a lovely semi-surprised visit with my grandson instead. That was nice.
Got 16 processables and made another new friend: was a CH on Sunrunner pre NGE. He has a steep learning curve ahead of him. :)
Going to see a flim tonight, and had thought I'd be overnighting at work due to vet appt, but the boss has opted to come and get me, so that's great: I get to sleep in my own bed and maybe play some when I get home, if I'm not crashed out.
Sold another two eggs while I was offline: Swirl Prong and Spined Snake. Time to go buy more processables.
Off hunting Krayts, just a little behind schedule, as I had planned to be doing this in the morning, but had a lovely semi-surprised visit with my grandson instead. That was nice.
Got 16 processables and made another new friend: was a CH on Sunrunner pre NGE. He has a steep learning curve ahead of him. :)
Going to see a flim tonight, and had thought I'd be overnighting at work due to vet appt, but the boss has opted to come and get me, so that's great: I get to sleep in my own bed and maybe play some when I get home, if I'm not crashed out.
Sold another two eggs while I was offline: Swirl Prong and Spined Snake. Time to go buy more processables.
- Benni: Pharple 3=0
- Lifa: Pharple 3=BOOM (Strikethrough Bonus)
- Oshorym: Purbole 2=0
So that's a three stat hit on Pharple. have to report that now. /sigh.
I am going to concentrate on the Baz Nitch and Shear Mite, since they are Dathomirian, and both use Yellow Lyases. Brackaset and Purbole are also on my radar; these four are also in the market gaps I have been charting.
- Benni: Pharple 1=0
- Lifa: Pharple 1=BOOM (Strikethrough)
- Oshorym: Slice Hound 3=0
- Aerys: Dalyrake 2=0
Sold 15 mill more on Osho. Mails are down so I am not sure what sold. Will do market research tomorrow sometime to see if I can figure it out.
Okay mails were back up today, so here is what sold in the last 10 days:
Double stat-mutated Shaupaut; Langlatch, Bol, stat mutated Choku, mount grade Blurrg, Angler, Jax, stat mutated Crystal Snake, uncapped Horned Raptor, stat-mutated Brackaset and uncapped, stat-mutated Kliknik. 182 mill in sales in 10 days. That's solid. I will keep monitoring that, and see if there's a way for me to chart it visually.
Have 13 20s, so will have to go hunting tonight. I have some housework to do at the moment, and plans for the evening to make.
And home, but tired, so may play more tomorrow than today.
Okay mails were back up today, so here is what sold in the last 10 days:
Double stat-mutated Shaupaut; Langlatch, Bol, stat mutated Choku, mount grade Blurrg, Angler, Jax, stat mutated Crystal Snake, uncapped Horned Raptor, stat-mutated Brackaset and uncapped, stat-mutated Kliknik. 182 mill in sales in 10 days. That's solid. I will keep monitoring that, and see if there's a way for me to chart it visually.
Have 13 20s, so will have to go hunting tonight. I have some housework to do at the moment, and plans for the evening to make.
And home, but tired, so may play more tomorrow than today.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Triple Boom (But not the best kind, not yet) 2/18/2018
It has been a couple days since I have had the time and inclination to post. I have not been playing much, concentrating on much more of my real life, as this weekend I was to play hostess to a whole group of people learning some esoteric (zombie apocalypse survival) skills. So I had to get the house cleaned and organised so we would have room for everyone to sit and do and learn and socialise, and it was a lot of work, but so worth it for the way things around here feel now.
Anywho, I finished processing the last of those hydros that Vlos and I hunted up yesterday, Made a few great 20s, including one 12.25 on the mutagen, which is a personal best. Just in time, too, as I started a Dalyrake this afternoon, and it hit a boom on hit Chance in first stage. Of course, if I use the high mutagen 20, it won't hit on second, but I gotta try. :)
- Aerys: Dalyrake 1=BOOM (Health)
- Lifa: Kliknik 3= BOOM (Strikethrough Bonus)
- Osho: Slice Hound 2=BOOM (Strikethrough Bonus)
I am almost tempted to grab some Pharple DNA and see if the streak holds for Benni too. If I could get some Pharple DNA worth incubating. I was one Kashyyyk for two hours and got so little of value it was disappointing. And with Pharples not being on terminals on Lok, it's a bit frustrating.
In the small bit of gaming time this week, I did actually get further towards finishing Osho\s shop, and I am pretty happy with how that looks. Need to build him a crafting space/office in the back room and then a little grove in the private space, as a temporary solution to the lack of a Kash Treehouse.
Oh, and I did have a good if brief chat with Ash regarding a super secret project, which i had some thoughts about later, so we will be continuing the conversation, I hope, to see fruition sooner rather than later.
I have not made it back to the Love Fest things, but I will get back into that n all toons as soon as I can. Lifa needs sets of wings for her vendors in all the colours. Honestly, I want to do some clothing crafting soon, too. Kinda bored of Aerys's current outfit.
Ooh! sold that uncapped Horned Raptor egg! 100 mill in the bank! Yay! So I can go shopping for more enzymes and processables and! Yayayayay! So I sold 5 capped pets and one mutation in the last week. Will do another market look over tomorrow to get a sense of movement, but I think my current strategy is working well, so I will likley produce a few more "gap" creatures and keep chasing those missing mtations. I have crossed three off the lists so far. Here's hoping they don't add another new one before we find these two, or we have no time to even celebrate finding the one. Speaking of Legend's specific mutations, I still really want a Carax. I should go get some more Torton DNA.
Anywho, logging on to drag Aerys home and calling it a night.
Anywho, logging on to drag Aerys home and calling it a night.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Allaylu Ta Nuv
It is in fact Valentines Day and yet it seems the Ewok Love Fest is not a thing this year?
I am kind of okay with that, as I have less time to play while I am getting my real life house deco done and such.
Aerys had a boom on stage two of a Kusak, so here's hoping for another tomorrow, so we can either write that one off, or find one of the new mutants.
Ash and I are starting to discuss a new super secret project, so hopefully that will come to fruition sooner rather than later.
I am cleaning house today, so will be logging on later tonight to go hydro hunting, hopefully with company. Still have 11 20s but won't get much chance to hunt till after the weekend, what with everything I have on deck before then. It's tonight or Monday, I think.
Had a terrific hunt with Vlos, got 70 processable hydros which was great. Now bed!
I am kind of okay with that, as I have less time to play while I am getting my real life house deco done and such.
Aerys had a boom on stage two of a Kusak, so here's hoping for another tomorrow, so we can either write that one off, or find one of the new mutants.
Ash and I are starting to discuss a new super secret project, so hopefully that will come to fruition sooner rather than later.
I am cleaning house today, so will be logging on later tonight to go hydro hunting, hopefully with company. Still have 11 20s but won't get much chance to hunt till after the weekend, what with everything I have on deck before then. It's tonight or Monday, I think.
Had a terrific hunt with Vlos, got 70 processable hydros which was great. Now bed!
Monday, February 12, 2018
It's Official, You All can Blame Ash Now 2/11/2018
yay, Ash was able to figure out how I'd fucked it up and I can log in again! Yay!
- Aerys: Thune 1=0
- Lifa: Malkloc 3=0
- Benni: Baz Nitch 2=0
- Oshorym: Kliknik 3= BOOM! (Glancing Blow)
And six more 20s in progress. I should go hunting no later than Monday night.
Okay kids. Bedtime.
And up, and off to the barn and then archery practice.
Home now, ponies fed and happy in the sun, and targets well pierced, and a lot of housework yet to do, so I am eating to fuel up and playing to relax and then going to get on with my work.
- Aerys: Thune 2=0
- Lifa: Mamien 1=0
- Benni: Baz Nitch 3=0
- Oshorym: Kliknik 1=0
Wah, no boomses.
Ah well. I did post up the eggs, and a notice about purchasing of enzymes. it would be grand if the harvesters brought them to me rather than me having to go get them. Would save me some time, if not any money.
Ran Aerys to Lok to gather random DNA. Not a bad harvest: got about 10 usable samples in an hour or so.
Too many hours till the incus can be switched, so I went to bed.
Ran Aerys to Lok to gather random DNA. Not a bad harvest: got about 10 usable samples in an hour or so.
Too many hours till the incus can be switched, so I went to bed.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Graphic Language 2/10/2108
So before I afked at the Janta spawn, I had a great chat with Ash. Oh gosh, evil plans are afoot, my fellow Mad Scientists!
- Aerys: Brackaset 3=0 (Not 100% sure I used the right lyase... /sigh)
- Benni: Baz Nitch 1=0
- Lifa: Malkloc 2=0
- Oshorym: Kliknik 2=0
AFKing the Sligtooth. Level 49 when I set up last night, level 62 when I popped back in to flip processors and incubators.
I think I have figured out what the issue with the legends forum is: I am logged in to my main google account on Chrome, but my forum account was logged in from the work Google, so... there's a disconnect between the one and the other. I am not sure how to fix this, but Ima guess it would be by changing my basic account info on the SWG Legends forum. I hope I can even do that...
Okay, tentatively, that might have worked. If I can figure out how to confirm my email address...
Nope. Nothing's working.
Sent a message to Ash and cried like a lil girl for help. He'll hopefully be able to take a look when he gets home from work.
Nope. Nothing's working.
Sent a message to Ash and cried like a lil girl for help. He'll hopefully be able to take a look when he gets home from work.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Two More Days in One
- Oshorym: Kliknik 1=0
- Lifa: Gaping Spider 1= BOOM! (Evasion)
- Benni: Voritor 1=0
- Aerys: Brackaset 1=0
Processing sessions ongoing: 7 20s under way, and 2 mutagen reprocessors running. Vlos also gave me 6 20s last night, and access to his lab supplies, so I am ransacking as I go. Definitely need more >89.4s in all colours to really maximise the quality of my attempts.
And boy howdy, I need DNA. If I were to spend an hour a day per planet I am sure I could build up a decent stock. Time, my friends: who has any time for sale?
- Oshorym: Kliknik 2=0
- Lifa: Gaping Spider 2= BOOM! (Block Chance)
I just ran processors. Getting some nice returns
- Oshorym: Kliknik 3=0
- Lifa Gaping Spider 3=0
- Benni: Voritor 2=0
- Aerys: Brackaset 2=BOOM! (Evasion)
Cool. A chance to see if the Brackaset is the source DNA for one of the new mutations.
And yay, GL is online! Frand!
And he needs some clothes made, so I guess I know what I am going to do with my morning.
Tailor Shopping List:
- Nabooian Scaley
- Tat Woolly
- Marauder Arms
- Padded Arms
- Ubese Armour Shirt
Now running on Yavin then Dath, just DNA and enzyme hunting. Gota few nice hydros off the Scorpion Klikniks too. :)
Now to work on my real life stuff. Back in a few hours.
- Lifa: Malkloc 1=BOOM! (Glancing Blow)
- Osho: Kliknik 1=0
Okay, going to bed now.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Dathomir Harvest 2/7/2018
Carnivore meat is good on Dath right now, (thanks, Greenlotus for the tip, and Happy Birthday, dude!)
I flipped processors and ran off to do more of the Dath Prologue quests for shiggles, chatting merrily with GL, being as the chat servers were operative again this morning. Had a brill convo regarding cultural mores and imbalances, and different approaches we as individuals can take to make our real world a better place. I so enjoy meeting and getting to know new people.
Had dinner with my honey and a couple I really admire last night, and one of them got me seriously fired up abaout a scary cool space MMO currently in beta... Oog. Here's the link. Sexiest damned thing!
I flipped processors and ran off to do more of the Dath Prologue quests for shiggles, chatting merrily with GL, being as the chat servers were operative again this morning. Had a brill convo regarding cultural mores and imbalances, and different approaches we as individuals can take to make our real world a better place. I so enjoy meeting and getting to know new people.
Had dinner with my honey and a couple I really admire last night, and one of them got me seriously fired up abaout a scary cool space MMO currently in beta... Oog. Here's the link. Sexiest damned thing!
- Lifa: Mamien 1=0
- Lifa: Mamien 2=0, scrub.
Logged on when I got home to meet up with my old friend Vlos to run and harvest a bunch of hydros. Had another brilliant conversation and got a tonne of materials, not only from the hunt, but also because Vlos gave me access to his stores of enzymes, which could not be better times, as I have been spending a lot of time ransacking the bazaar.
It's late and I am going to bed very soon. I have a shorter day tomorrow, should be home in good time to get some housework done before I play.
2 - 2, yes, 2 Days in One! Ah ah ah! 2/5 and 2/6/2018
- Lifa: Bol 2=0
- Benni:Eopie 3=0
- Oshorym: Krevol 3=0
And then the server wouldn't load, so that's all for that day.
And then my battery borked, so I barely played the next day.
And then my battery borked, so I barely played the next day.
- Lifa: Bol 3=0
Not really enough hydros to run the next few sessions, so I guess I know what my evening's plans are.
Two hours of hunting, 22 processable hydros, and for the first part of the hunt the pulls were great: 3 high 88 isos and an 89, and 15 hydros over 7. It petered out thereafter, but I'll take those pulls. :)
Happy with taht evening's work. More tomorrow, although being as it is a Wednesday, perhaps nothing to elaborate.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Double Booms, No Pretty New Mutants 2/4/2018
- Lifa: Zucca Boar 2=BOOM (Strikethrough Rating)
- Oshorym: Swirl Prong 3= BOOM! (Critical Hit)
- Aerys: Shaupaut 2=BOOM! (Block Chance)
- Benni: Eopie 1=0
Ran Osho out to get some element As for processing, since that seems to be the bottleneck right now. There was a fellow on Corellia who ahd a bunch of As and a couple Es for 45 k each: great price, so I bought him out of the high 9s. He was on a sweet little Island kind of equidistant between Tyrena and Coronet. I didn't even know that was there. That's where I'd like a city, if I couldn't set up on the Tyrena plains.
Did some vendor research, as it's been about 2 weeks since I last looked. There are 60 pt pets on the bazaar for 6 mill. How can anyone even make a living at that price. Most of them weren't capped for DPS, but that just doesn't make that big a difference: hydros are way harder to produce than finding or buying top grade isos. Any way, prices on average have dropped, even though there are fewer pets on vendors this week than last. 155 pets on vendors two weeks ago, 145 on vendors this week. \so sales are going well for most sellers, although none of the mutants have moved.
- Lifa: Zucca Boar 3=0
- Oshorym: Horned Krevol 1=0
Was a good time, so I hunted a few Krayts, before my laptop battery went low and in plugging in in my room, I died. Too bad, was getting good harvests and decent loots and no one else was out there. Ah well. I have housework to do, while I am feeling able to be upright.
Ran processors, made a few more 20s and some others. Final sessions today:
- Lifa: Bol 1= BOOM! (Block Chance)
- Benni: Eopie 2=0
- Oshorym: Horned Krevol 2=0
- Aerys: Shaupaut 3=BOOM! (Hit Chance)
So that's another off the list - Shaupaut is not a stat-app. I should post those two to the forum. Ugh. Just hate how the forum looks on this system.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Two Days in One: I'm not well 2/2/2018
- Aerys: Whisper Bird 3=0
- Oshorym: Swirl Prong 1=0
- Lifa: Ronto 3= BOOM! (Strikethrough Rating)
- Benni: Choku 2=0
Ran off and did an hour or so of krayting, ran into Greenlotus, who has made his alt a Medic BM, so I ran Osho out with some eggs for him. I hope he has fun with it.
Crashed hard, because I am not feeling even 50%.
Saturday: Slept through till 1, got up and tidied the house some before logging in to flip processors and incubators.
Aerys: Shaupaut 1=0
Benni: Choku 3=0
Lifa: Zucca Boar=0 (Hard to get a Boom when you don't use the right combo...)
Oshorym: Swirl Prong 2=0
Need one of those mutants to sell, as we are down to less than 10 mill, and need to buy enzymes at the rate we are burning through them.
I cannot seem to fix the look of the legends website, which frustrates me. I get broken visual boxes instead of the format I am used t. It's doing it on my phone as well as the laptop, and it has put me way off using the forum. If any of the six regualr readers have any help, I'd really appreciate some advice.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Woke up in good time to flip processors and prep materials for my next sessions, with less than an hour to go on both Lifa's and Benni's sessions.
I have to be on time for work today, but will be bringing the laptop with me, in order to flip the processors to aim for that nice 18. I think I have a formula that makes sense: need 70-75 as the total of elements to make the 18 most likely. the problem is I can't really get much above 9 on the mutagen with those numbers in my elements, and I have 20s with greater mutagen than that... grr. Well, when it comes time, I will use the highest mutagen that will still cap: 18, 19 or 20. I need to not be in a rush, but dammit, it's hard!
I have to be on time for work today, but will be bringing the laptop with me, in order to flip the processors to aim for that nice 18. I think I have a formula that makes sense: need 70-75 as the total of elements to make the 18 most likely. the problem is I can't really get much above 9 on the mutagen with those numbers in my elements, and I have 20s with greater mutagen than that... grr. Well, when it comes time, I will use the highest mutagen that will still cap: 18, 19 or 20. I need to not be in a rush, but dammit, it's hard!
- Lifa: Ronto 1= BOOM! (Evasion)
- Benni: Tybis 3 = 0
- Aerys: Whisper Bird 2 = BOOM! (Strikethrough Rating)
- Osho: Vorpal Durni 3=0
And not surprised but /sighing. Have to gather up more good materials to try again. I have a lots of DNA at least.
- Lifa: Ronto 2 =0
- Benni: Choku 1=0
and that's my day.
Catch you on the flip.
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