Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dathomir Harvest 2/7/2018

Carnivore meat is good on Dath right now, (thanks, Greenlotus for the tip, and Happy Birthday, dude!)

I flipped processors and ran off to do more of the Dath Prologue quests for shiggles, chatting merrily with GL, being as the chat servers were operative again this morning. Had a brill convo regarding cultural mores and imbalances, and different approaches we as individuals can take to make our real world a better place. I so enjoy meeting and getting to know new people.

Had dinner with my honey and a couple I really admire last night, and one of them got me seriously fired up abaout a scary cool space MMO currently in beta... Oog. Here's the link. Sexiest damned thing!

  • Lifa: Mamien 1=0
  • Lifa: Mamien 2=0, scrub.
Logged on when I got home to meet up with my old friend Vlos to run and harvest a bunch of hydros. Had another brilliant conversation and got a tonne of materials, not only from the hunt, but also because Vlos gave me access to his stores of enzymes, which could not be better times, as I have been spending a lot of time ransacking the bazaar.

It's late and I am going to bed very soon. I have a shorter day tomorrow, should be home in good time to get some housework done before I play.


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