Tuesday, March 27, 2018


It has been a week.

I have no stat booms in the incubators, have been playhing sporadically due to work and health and other factors.

Ran for two hours with a guildie last night and got some hydros for processing, which was good, as I spent 28 mill on processed 20s just to keep the incubators going. I hate feeding the market at that price, but sometimes, needs must as the devil drives.

Today is a big medieval club event and due to issues in my purview I am less than keen on going, but I volunteered for a vital job, so I kind of have to. My heart is *not* in it. This morning is going to be a *grind*.

...And that went better than I thought. I had a good time. the worst of it was completely unrelated drama. Yay! And then I got two Booms! Yay!

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