It has been a week.
I have no stat booms in the incubators, have been playhing sporadically due to work and health and other factors.
Ran for two hours with a guildie last night and got some hydros for processing, which was good, as I spent 28 mill on processed 20s just to keep the incubators going. I hate feeding the market at that price, but sometimes, needs must as the devil drives.
Today is a big medieval club event and due to issues in my purview I am less than keen on going, but I volunteered for a vital job, so I kind of have to. My heart is *not* in it. This morning is going to be a *grind*.
...And that went better than I thought. I had a good time. the worst of it was completely unrelated drama. Yay! And then I got two Booms! Yay!
Old MMOs never die, they just get rebuilt, reverse engineered and then turned loose on a mourneful fanbase. These are the adventures of a noobdoc, Beast Master mutation addict and ex-Senator, living on in rags of past glory, and having a helluva good time doing it!
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Sunday, March 18, 2018
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Lifa: Angler 3=0
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 3=BOOM! Strikethrough.
That's three stat hits on a Salty. Nice beast!
Off to be RL BM for the day. Back this evening. Hope I have enough energy to play tonight: need those hydros!
Friday, March 16, 2018
- Lifa: Angler 1=BOOM! (Dodge)
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 1=BOOM (Dodge)
- Benni: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 2=0
Osho's inventory is crammed with schematics: I should have a crafting day soon and get those items made up and put to use.
Ran about on Aerys and did some shopping for enzymes.
Ran about on Aerys and did some shopping for enzymes.
- Lifa: Angler 2=0
- Benni: Zucca Boar 2=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 3=
- Oshorym: Salt Mynock 2=BOOM! (Health)
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Just ran processors last night, and loaded that Mutant Thune onto the vendor. Sold within three hours. We have a quarter billion in the bank now...
Oh, and Kracken pinged me with a request last night, so there's a thing we are working on together. Yay!
Oh, and Kracken pinged me with a request last night, so there's a thing we are working on together. Yay!
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Slight Delay... 3/13/2018
A menstrual migraine took me out of playing contention last night, so I did not even log in, much less score a hunt. I guess I will have to do that tonight, after work.
- Aerys: Gulginaw 3=0
- Lifa: Thune 2=BOOM (Strikethrough)
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 2=0
And... then...
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 3=0
- Aerys: Zucca Boar 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 3=BOOM! Tusked Bull Thune!
Yay! First one of those I've made on Legends! Oooh, I wanna hatch it, too... but no, creds are more needed than pretty muties.
I did run off and get an hour and a half's hunt done, got 30 hydros worth harvesting, could have done more but I was being a good hostess to a friend who was over for a visit. Tomorrow is another long day but at least I'll have some hydros in for processing. Short day's play, but good.
Crumby thing: chat servers and mails are down again. :(
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Back in the Saddle 3/12/2018
- Aerys: Gulginaw 2=0
- Benni: Angler 3=0
- Lifa: Thune 1=0
- Oshorym: Sand Panther 1=BOOM! (Critical Hit)
And back at work today, so will play when I get home.
Friday, March 9, 2018
- Lifa: Varactyl 2=0
- Benni: Angler 1=BOOM! (Evasion Rating)
- Oshorym: Bageraset 2=BOOM! (Strikethrough)
The guild is setting up a BM Test lab, which is wicked cool, so I will be stripping all the lower grade isos off the vendor and throwing them into that, as well as processing a bunch of mutagen hydros for testing/confirming purposes. I think with a dedicated effort we could find the new mutants. :) I will likely throw Benni and Lifa into that, as I am currently overproducing beasts for my own sales and use purposes.
That said, we have over 150 mill between all 5 toons, and that's a pretty comfie cushion for how I play. I spend it like water, but it seems to flow back when I do so. I think I will offer up one of the Tiglon eggs as a prize for the next Guild event.
To be honest, I am straight up just not used to having folks to play with. My style has been shaped around working things through on my own for so long, I need to get back into shared and co-operative gameplay. You know, when I have the time and my head stops protesting headsets quite so much.
- Lifa: Varactyl 3=BOOM! (Block Chance)
Okay, whoa. That is the first time I have had two stats on the same stat! I didn't even know that was possible!
- Benni: Angler 2=0
- Aerys: Gulginaw 1=0
Anyway, I am off for the weekend, after a quick day at work, so I doubt I will be on to play much till I get home.
Well double everything is over and the clickables are gone, but I can still get all the paintings, so that pleases me. The thing is, waypoints to all the clickables are pretty much known and it's just a question of plugging them all in and driving around heall's half acre clicking on random shit. That's an afternoon, right there. The Force Shui stuff isn't even that long. Benni and Osho are I think the only ones who need it now.
I am very glad to have participated in thos events: felt good to be visiting places and looking for things. Speaking of which there is still one undiscovered VIP ticket left... I am trying not to obsess. :P
I am very glad to have participated in thos events: felt good to be visiting places and looking for things. Speaking of which there is still one undiscovered VIP ticket left... I am trying not to obsess. :P
- Aerys: Kliknik 3=0
- Lifa: Varactyl 1=BOOM (Block Chance)
Dont have time for any more experiments this morning. Also need to buy cans, so I guess I am sending Aerys off to do that, since Osho is still sampling on Mustie. Have 11k of that ore so far. It's really not very much. :(
Thursday, March 8, 2018
- Aerys: Kliknik 2=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 3=0
Did my price checks and accounting a few days early, but only because I may not be loading anything new onto the vendors until after the weekend.
Market is pretty healthy, likely because of the double xp. -4 in inventory from the last check, but only 5 mutations left on vendors, from last week's 11. I sold 221 mill in stock, 218 of that in capped beast eggs. Not unhappy with those numbers.
I am OUT of processables, so need to do a big hunt today or Friday, before I leave for the weekend's event. If I can get a good couple of bags full of hydros, I can restock the vendor with some more varieties of eggs, instead of always working on the same beast types. Definitely Corellian Slice Hounds do not stay on my vendor for long, so will need some more of that DNA. Not on terminals! gr, argh.
- Oshorym: Bageraset 1=0
Ran out of time to test the rest - realised I had very little time to finish the collectables for the anniversary event, and I never did get all the paintings... ah well. Got Force Shui on the three mains, and all the statues and most of the flowers, so I am not upset. I could only really be mad at myself, because I have had lots of time to play, just no inclination.
Well, beddie-byes. Will log in in the morning and flip processors before work.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Ugh, the Struggle is Real 3/6/2018
- Lifa: Voritor 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Aerys: Kliknik 2=0
Sliggy was level 84 when I went to bed; he's 90 now. :) Double xp for the win. I think I should go grab that Tiglon egg and maybe hatch it...
Nope, still not sold on hatching the Tiglon on Aerys. Long day at work today, going to leave Osho hand sampling. he got 3k of the Ore overnight. And none today. weird.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
- Aerys: Dewback 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 1=0
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0
Good spawn of iron up on Yavin and Dath so going to drop an elite on that before setting Lifa and Osho up to hand harvest on Mustie while I go to work.
- Aerys: Kliknik 1=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 2=0
- Lifa: Voritor 2=0
Finally wrote a better macro for sampling. Only on a 33% spawn so it;s just eking along, I will ask Oko tomorrow if there's a better place to get this stuff. Lifa is on a nice 70% spawn of the Iron, so that's good. She already has 100k of it. :)
Bed now. Head still a bit shakey.
Monday, March 5, 2018
- Aerys: Dewback 2=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 2=BOOM! (Block Value)
- Lifa: Quenker 2=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 1=0
Popped over to the grind sppot to see if there was a group going. There are two, but neither has an invite macro running. Grumph.
Gotta get ready for work now, though. Sliggy is level 69, we'll see how far he gets in the next few hours, sitting on a solitary spawn.
Sliggy is 71, and the mayor in the town my toons live in pinged me on FB to let me know there' s agood spawn of ore on Mustafar and he needs as much of it as I can get. So when I switch out the incubators, I am going to plop both of my crafters on the spawn and hand harv as much as I can. even a couple k will help him out, and he's been great to work with and play with, so every little bit helps.
- Lifa: Quenker 3=0
- Benni: Gulginaw 3=0
- Oshorym: Kaadu 2=0
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Incubating Ideas 3/3/2018
I have been spending way too much time looking for one of those last VIP tickets. It's frustrating: a puzzle I think I could solve, but seem to not be successful yet... I don't want to try too hard, and I am a bit miffed that at least three of the tickets have been found by Senators who are already getting into the party. so that;'s lame. I need to poke Ash about that, actually.
And they are two separate events, which satisfies my curiosity about it. Stull really want to find the damned ticket though. :(
- Benni: Guf Drolg 3=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 2=BOOM! (Parry)
- Lifa: Voritor 3=0
- Aerys: Angler 2=0 (Scrubbed)
Broke for work, then flipped processors and incubators and ran around some more on Soulei looking for that ticket. No luck yet.
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0 (No Lyase message)
- Benni: Gulginaw 1=0
- Aerys: Dewback 1=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 3=BOOM! (Evasion)
- Soulei: Dewback 1=0
First session on Soulei in what I think is over a year.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Ran Aerys to Yavin to look for one of the last 2 VIP tickets but no joy in the spots I thought of on Yavin. I will check Talus and Corellia next.
- Aerys: Angler 1=0
- Lifa: Voritor 1=0
- Oshorym: Bol 3=0
- Benni: Guf Drolg 1=0
And back on, flipped processors, did some crafting on Osho (made up all those purple Light Gens) and looked at the schema for the collection reward plants and all that. I have a short shopping list of stuff I need. Also bought a LOT of rugs off of a vendor. Yay, rugs. Still, wish I had some way to get some of those other rugs they have the art assets for. I should campaign the hell out of that.
- Lifa: Voritor 2=0
- Oshorym: Huurton 1=0
- Benni: Guf Drolg 2=0
- Aerys: Angler 2=0 (Scrubbed)
Ran Aerys into the Warren, following the wiki guide, since I am not running with anyone who knows what they are doing. Did fine, got the Hawkbat DNA, and then got thoroughly turned around trying to get out. Made it. Going to do a bit more running about killing things tonight, but cannot stay up for too long, as I do have work tomorrow.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Another Day, Another Credit 1/3/2018
- Aerys: Voritor 2=BOOM! (Kimogila!)
- Benni: Varactyl 3=0
- Lifa: Chuba 2=BOOM! (Critical Hit)
- Oshorym: Bol 1=0

Having the Chuba hit on second gives me a chance at Chubafly, which would be great. I'd like to give a nice mutant to Kalley to say thanks for having me in the guild.
I had fun at the Anniversary event yesterday. I will have to count the schematics, but I think I have completed all the clickables on all of my toons. Then Osho can build all those schema, and I can maybe start on the Garden project. Need to make up those painting schems too: sounds like a crafting day is called for.
They have only 5 of the VIP tickets left. I half really want it and half know my weekend get so busy after this month that I know I will struggle to ensure I can even attend.
I guess if I stumble across the ticket, I will do everything I can to attend. If not, then I will interpret that augury as it was not meant to be. I only plan to look for it tonight, or when I am not doing anything else.
Soulei has levelled out of her gain, so I need to kind of whip through the content until she is getting XP again. I have played through at least this far. I think I did some of the Talus stuff before as well. Will have to see when I have to start paying attention to the story again.
- Oshorym: Bol 2=0
- Lifa: Chuba 3=0
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Second Anniversary 2/28/2018
- Oshorym: Flit 2=0
- Benni: Varactyl 1=0
- Lifa: Thune 3=0
- Aerys: Voritor 2=0
Ran about a bit in Doaba for the celebration, completed a couple collections. I will be doing the same on all my toons, and then finishing the night out on Soulei, as it is double everything for the next week.
- Oshorym: Flit 3=0
- Lifa: Chuba 1=0
- Benni: Varactyl 2=0
Now on Soulei having taken everyone else up to Doaba to complete their collections that are there. The only one I am struggling with is the bloody plants. No idea where the last 2 are hiding.
Ha! Found 'em. Will go back and get those schems on the toons missng them. Yay!
Soulei bounced three levels just finishing off her current missions in Legacy and poking those collectables in Doaba. Awesome. :)
But I've been drifting off at the keys for a while, so beddie byes time for me.
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