Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hot Fun in the Summer 7/29/2018

It has been a scorching couple of weeks here, and weirdly enough, that makes it easier for me to log in and play than I would have thought, as after a long hot day I get home and just want to veg. The game helps, and even if it's mostly digital, I still feel like I have accomplished something with my down time.

I have been decoing, hunting and shopping. Made a Horned Raptor a couple days ago, followed by a Psycho Jax, which was a personal first, so it's been a good week.

I got completely sidetracked into finding all the parts for a datapad repair thingie, and when I had done one, I had to do a datadisk repair thingie, which gave me a fixed datadisk which I could then put in the datapad and it's a chapter of a story! so cool!

Of course, the high of reading a smattering of that story made me want to unlock more! Oi. Well, I must have spent four hours on shopping and building all the kit pieces, only to find there weren't a lot of the one component out there. Ah well, I will keep my eyes open. They do make neat additions to the library.

I was shopping for enzymes when I found this rug!

Had to go get some, but the name string is broken, so they weren't coming up on a vendor search for rug. Actually very lucky I found them at all. I immediately bought out the whole market. :) I need to have a look at the rest of those broken command strings, see if tehre's any other deco I desperately want. Well, but I should likely wait till one of those mutants sells, as I am pretty close to flat broke after the retail therapy of the last couple of days!

I seriously love this thing so much, I might make one for realsies...

Monday, July 23, 2018

Rebel HAUS! YAAAAS! 7/23/2018

So on the excellent advice of one RokN, I went SF and did the last few missions for the new Reb house one at a time. I was killed a couple of times and was also reminded how running SF is a serious adrenaline high: I guess we can call that another NoobDoc moment. :) At any rate, I got the tokens and got the deed and... it's beeeeeautiful!

The achieving of the house got me fired up on deco again, so I have a plan for it now and will be throwing stuff in and wiggling it around for a while. as soon as it's done done and I am happy to have folks see it, I will be placing it and opening it to the public for viewing. I think it's going to be pretty cool. :)

Also  got fired up enough to get that custom deco armour order finished, many thanks to Odidi for putting up with me weird request and doing a bang up job on the pieces. Cannot wait to get moving on the Couture shop! Have not decided which house style to put it in, though...

Monday, July 2, 2018

New Mutation Found! 7/2/2018

Barbed Vesp becomes something called a Horned Dune Kimogila. Stole the pic from the auction:

The first one on the server, ever, in the entire game, was sold at auction with an asking price of 850 mill (no idea how much it actually went for, but that was what the asking price was). Amazing.

That rounds out the last of the mutations the devs added last year. I've had a hint that they will be adding other new critters soon, I've specifically requested the Massif and the Guarlara be added to our craftable list, and if they are trying to think outside the box, Katarn and Praetorian should also be considered.