So Galaxies turned 15 years old a day or two ago, and I kind of wish I had more time to reminisce, as so many of my memories of this game are sweet and lovely, and not as bitter because I am busy making new ones.
The Legends team outdid themselves by making up an anniversary event that was a quest that takes players all over the Galaxy by getting them to answer riddles whose answers were locations. I actually went to the Emperor's retreat on Naboo, which was a first, for me. I love that even after 8 years of playing, there are still many places I haven't been and many things I haven't done in this game.
I had fun on the quest, and the prize is a new deco item which if I needed to level a toon to 90, I could use, and *finally* they have made it so the item is not consumed in the process. That pleases me immensely, as I like deco so much.
I had a stat boom on a Quenker DNA, but no other action in the incubators, and I have been pumping out processed hydros as fast as I can. Aerys has hunted enzymes every night except last night, and I will again tonight. I might also go shopping to see if there are bags of unprocessed out there for reasonable prices, or if anyone is up to hunting with me, as company makes it go much faster. I really should pick up a headset for gaming with.
Sold one of the capped crafted Binjinphant eggs for enough to recoup the cost of all that DNA and a couple of the hydros, and am currently discussing pet crafting with a newcomer: her husband wanted a canine type, I gave her a price and she said sounds great, except her husband used the enzymes on a mount (urk! what a waste of 89.4s and 11s!) and also had changed his mind to... a Rancor! So now I am explaining that mutations are not a thing I can produce on demand, even with all the capped stuff in the world, so... yeah. I recommended they spend some time on SWGpets to get a better idea of what pets are achievable for the price I quoted her. We'll see what she says.
Anyway, off to be a RL BM and trainer for the day. Back later to hunt some dragons!
Old MMOs never die, they just get rebuilt, reverse engineered and then turned loose on a mourneful fanbase. These are the adventures of a noobdoc, Beast Master mutation addict and ex-Senator, living on in rags of past glory, and having a helluva good time doing it!
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Hunting of the Hydrolases! 6/25/2018
I flipped the processors this morning, and did a bit more sorting of my processing lab. I seem to have lost the bag labelled >16 of processed elements, or conceivably, it was empty and I just renamed it something and used it. I made two more 20s, so will likely start a couple Mantigrues in an attempt to get myself a Tikobi, the newly discovered mutation. Am now shopping on Lifa to pick up some A elements to process, so I can whip together a few more. As are way cheaper than finished hydros: I am very glad I got my processing lab together. Wish I'd done it before spending 120 mill on 20s, lol. Meh, easy come, easy go, honestly.
Ground out 20 kills, got 12 processables and 4 8s above 5 mutagen; started two chubas and threw in second session on the Mantigrue attempt. No juy there, but I did get a boom on the second Chuba DNA, so... a Chubafly egg tsale would help balance the books, I gotta say.
Figured it would be easier and more two-birds if I ran to Dath to hunt more hydros: need to get into the habit of hunting to feed the processors. Got to Dath, drove to the quest spot, but was passing out while killing rancors, which is a great way to end up dead, so Ima crash and play more in the morning, if I wake early enough.
More soon!
Ground out 20 kills, got 12 processables and 4 8s above 5 mutagen; started two chubas and threw in second session on the Mantigrue attempt. No juy there, but I did get a boom on the second Chuba DNA, so... a Chubafly egg tsale would help balance the books, I gotta say.
Figured it would be easier and more two-birds if I ran to Dath to hunt more hydros: need to get into the habit of hunting to feed the processors. Got to Dath, drove to the quest spot, but was passing out while killing rancors, which is a great way to end up dead, so Ima crash and play more in the morning, if I wake early enough.
More soon!
Monday, June 25, 2018
Real Life Beastmastery Is Not Always Awesome 6/24/2018
It;s been something of a rough week. Friday the 15, my beloved mutt The Woodge became lethargic and mopey, and late in the evening when he jumped up onto the couch he let out a yelp, as though something was very painful. I did a quick baseline exam, could see nothing except a slightly elevated temperature, and a mildly hunched posture, which could mean anything from tummy or back pain to constipation. I let it be, but when he did not improve over the next day, I took him in to the local vet hospital. (if only I were Aerys and had bacta tanks at my command... which leads to a whole different question...).
He was there for three days, having IV fluids and antibiotics, and a massive battery of tests including xrays and an ultrasound, only to find... nothing. He had a fever, it's down, but he is still maybe 30% energy and definitely still in pain on the back end from *something*. My next choice is going to ask a RMT I know who works on dogs to have a look at him. His pain has reflected in me: I am sad more and worried more and not taking the best care of myself while fretting over him. It was not cheap either, so right when I want to be spending more time at home with him, I am having to take more clients and push harder at work.
So yeah. I have logged in and at least gotten my processing lab back into workable condition, and have been making a few pets by the stupidest most expensive method of buying 20s on vendors, instead of hunting for and processing my own. Well, now that the lab is put together better I will get back to hunting and stocking my own crafts.
I think I will turn the NC lab house into a teaching lab, and set it up to help guildies understand how to process and incubate pets. Strikes me as it would make a good demo ground. I could set it up as a Beast Crafting School, could even cover all the basis: crafting components for Processing, processing cycles and incubation... Hm. That idea has potential. Maybe once I earn the super cool new reward for Empire Day celebrations: a Rebel themed house! Once again, I gotta say, I really appreciate the dev team working to keep this great server going and growing.
One of the two new mutations has been found: it's cool and I am looking forward to making one. The other is likely to be a third stage on a known simple, which means it's possible we won't see one ever, as third stages are super hard to achieve. I have done so twice in Legends though, so maybe... :) At any rate, it's either the Vesp or the Spined Snake, so I suspect we will soon see more of the Finned Blaggart and the Barbed Vesp on the bazaar.
Catch ya on the flip!
He was there for three days, having IV fluids and antibiotics, and a massive battery of tests including xrays and an ultrasound, only to find... nothing. He had a fever, it's down, but he is still maybe 30% energy and definitely still in pain on the back end from *something*. My next choice is going to ask a RMT I know who works on dogs to have a look at him. His pain has reflected in me: I am sad more and worried more and not taking the best care of myself while fretting over him. It was not cheap either, so right when I want to be spending more time at home with him, I am having to take more clients and push harder at work.
So yeah. I have logged in and at least gotten my processing lab back into workable condition, and have been making a few pets by the stupidest most expensive method of buying 20s on vendors, instead of hunting for and processing my own. Well, now that the lab is put together better I will get back to hunting and stocking my own crafts.
I think I will turn the NC lab house into a teaching lab, and set it up to help guildies understand how to process and incubate pets. Strikes me as it would make a good demo ground. I could set it up as a Beast Crafting School, could even cover all the basis: crafting components for Processing, processing cycles and incubation... Hm. That idea has potential. Maybe once I earn the super cool new reward for Empire Day celebrations: a Rebel themed house! Once again, I gotta say, I really appreciate the dev team working to keep this great server going and growing.
One of the two new mutations has been found: it's cool and I am looking forward to making one. The other is likely to be a third stage on a known simple, which means it's possible we won't see one ever, as third stages are super hard to achieve. I have done so twice in Legends though, so maybe... :) At any rate, it's either the Vesp or the Spined Snake, so I suspect we will soon see more of the Finned Blaggart and the Barbed Vesp on the bazaar.
Catch ya on the flip!
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Research Lab in New Chilastra 6/17/2018
Put in the research lab today, and got a solid start on the deco. Also spent a whack of cash on hydros just so I can get back into making beasts. Started a Binjinphant with purchased DNA, and got a mutation in the first session: couple more hours before I can flip that and see how we do in section 2.
Started a Jax in the Research Lab, and realised I will need a research suit made up. Will add the materials to the shopping list.
Research Lab needs storage, too, so I am going to check Lifa's other buildings to see if I can pull off any crates and use them there. Should also check to see that she's in fact finished her starge collections, while I am at it.
The other major task I have to get rolling on is setting up the processing lab again. I am considering bringing the muta processing to Naboo, and expanding it... not 100% convinced I can feed my own needs for raw hydros if I do, but it's worth considering. I could process the less than 6.5s for mutagen regardless of their raw muta. I should be able to triple the raw mutagen.
I need uncapped lyases as well: I feel bad about wasting 11s on uncapped or throwaway attempts.
Busy busy.
All of this is just helping distract me from the anxiety I am having about my poor dog, who has been in vet hospital since yesterday afternoon. I am worried, and the game is helping me not think too much about it.
Started a Jax in the Research Lab, and realised I will need a research suit made up. Will add the materials to the shopping list.
Research Lab needs storage, too, so I am going to check Lifa's other buildings to see if I can pull off any crates and use them there. Should also check to see that she's in fact finished her starge collections, while I am at it.
The other major task I have to get rolling on is setting up the processing lab again. I am considering bringing the muta processing to Naboo, and expanding it... not 100% convinced I can feed my own needs for raw hydros if I do, but it's worth considering. I could process the less than 6.5s for mutagen regardless of their raw muta. I should be able to triple the raw mutagen.
I need uncapped lyases as well: I feel bad about wasting 11s on uncapped or throwaway attempts.
Busy busy.
All of this is just helping distract me from the anxiety I am having about my poor dog, who has been in vet hospital since yesterday afternoon. I am worried, and the game is helping me not think too much about it.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
No Booms, But... 6/16/2018

So far no luck on getting a lair to spawn for me on Endor: I probably need to bring friends. /sigh
Good thing I have a rocking guild, who just set up a spot in the city for me to run a research lab in, and donated a bunch of enzymes to help that happen. A hunting party shouldn't be that hard to co-ordinate. I will need a headset though...
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Game Support
So two cool KickStarter campaigns I am assisting with: one just finished, and one just started. The one that just finished met its funding goal, is based on a crazy awesome couple of games that my roomies helped develop, and I highly, highly recommend them for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is the depth of LORE. These games are DEEP, and have some pretty fantastic and detailed thought behind them.
It helps that they are also ridiculously fun to play.
So there's that. If you are so inclined, check out Sword of the Stars, The Pit, Crypt of the Necrodancer, all by Kerberos Productions on Steam. And if you like 'em, dude, give them a good review! If you love them, ping me, and as soon as my copy of The Pit boardgame arrives, I will invite you over for an all-nighter play through. (You think I'm kidding...!)
The other project is a concept by one of SWG's own: a guy who was instrumental in players' understanding of a whole lot of game mechanics and balancing and combat. His armour mitigations chart was fundamental in explaining to people how diminishing returns work and why they are a necessary part of considerations in designing fun-to-play combat games. The game is called Rock, Paper, Monsters and I hope to god this things makes it's fundraising goals, because the guy behind it is great, the concept is cool and fun, and easy to learn but with some great variability (and expandability) built in. So please, check out the Kickstarter and if you see fit to support the game, thank you for helping a couple Galaxy players achieve a life-long dream (his to get the game out there, and me to play it with my friends!)
It helps that they are also ridiculously fun to play.
So there's that. If you are so inclined, check out Sword of the Stars, The Pit, Crypt of the Necrodancer, all by Kerberos Productions on Steam. And if you like 'em, dude, give them a good review! If you love them, ping me, and as soon as my copy of The Pit boardgame arrives, I will invite you over for an all-nighter play through. (You think I'm kidding...!)
The other project is a concept by one of SWG's own: a guy who was instrumental in players' understanding of a whole lot of game mechanics and balancing and combat. His armour mitigations chart was fundamental in explaining to people how diminishing returns work and why they are a necessary part of considerations in designing fun-to-play combat games. The game is called Rock, Paper, Monsters and I hope to god this things makes it's fundraising goals, because the guy behind it is great, the concept is cool and fun, and easy to learn but with some great variability (and expandability) built in. So please, check out the Kickstarter and if you see fit to support the game, thank you for helping a couple Galaxy players achieve a life-long dream (his to get the game out there, and me to play it with my friends!)
6/13/2018 Back at 'Er
I took a hiatus for a while, was working on a big-deal project in my medieval hobby group, and now that that is done with, I have some time and energy to put back into the game. I actually have been playing intermittently for a week or so, but now have actually gotten things moving forward in the BM side of things. so I figured I should maybe come back and post. I will be digging up a headset soon, so I cna start being social on the Discord again, as my guild is still quite active and busy and has even opted to start some RP, which is so cool: I cannot wait for that!
I did re-check the bazaar listings for 60 pt pets, and have some maths to do before I can report in a detailed fashion, but overall the market looks healthy enough. Double XP weekends definitely spike sales, however, which would point to the leveling grind still off-putting newer folks from giving combat BM a try. Anywho, with 216 beasts listed at present, the demand is being fed. Prices range from 5 mill to 35 mill for standard extractable DNA, which tells me some crafting BMs are not adept at reading the bazaar terminals. I have not done the market research on consumables and enzymes, but I would be very surprised if there was much profit to be had at 5 mill an egg. I will do that research sometime soon, just so I can present a detailed tracking. Six months is a good time frame for the kind of in depth market analysis I am thinking of.
It's my birthday today, and for my birthday I got: a stat hit on a Bolle Bol (hoping for any mutation, because I love the Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: I was the one to unlock the mutant on TC, and it was all Huntsya's Fault, but also because it's on the short list of possible new mutations the devs have added. They told us one is a Complex App; the other is not, and one is from Endor, one from Lok. While the Lok list is shorter, I like the beasties and the mutants from Endor better. Apparently there's also a new critter in the wild on Endor, but for all that I've been running around there
the last couple of play sessions, I have not seen hide nor hair of it.
Any way, I also got a stat hit on a Kliknik. As an Acklay to sell would be a great booster for the character bank at present, I also have not made a single Complex App since logging onto Legends, so... even though it's known, it would still be neat. And yeah, I'd sell the Mutant Acklay if I managed to make one: prolly get 4-500 mill for it.
I have enough 20s to finish out those two hits, but I definitely need to finish re-building the Processing Lab, and then spending a few nights stocking up on raw hydros and getting in the swing of processing again. Considering the uphill slog has definitely slowed me down some. I can overcome that.
I did re-check the bazaar listings for 60 pt pets, and have some maths to do before I can report in a detailed fashion, but overall the market looks healthy enough. Double XP weekends definitely spike sales, however, which would point to the leveling grind still off-putting newer folks from giving combat BM a try. Anywho, with 216 beasts listed at present, the demand is being fed. Prices range from 5 mill to 35 mill for standard extractable DNA, which tells me some crafting BMs are not adept at reading the bazaar terminals. I have not done the market research on consumables and enzymes, but I would be very surprised if there was much profit to be had at 5 mill an egg. I will do that research sometime soon, just so I can present a detailed tracking. Six months is a good time frame for the kind of in depth market analysis I am thinking of.
It's my birthday today, and for my birthday I got: a stat hit on a Bolle Bol (hoping for any mutation, because I love the Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: I was the one to unlock the mutant on TC, and it was all Huntsya's Fault, but also because it's on the short list of possible new mutations the devs have added. They told us one is a Complex App; the other is not, and one is from Endor, one from Lok. While the Lok list is shorter, I like the beasties and the mutants from Endor better. Apparently there's also a new critter in the wild on Endor, but for all that I've been running around there
the last couple of play sessions, I have not seen hide nor hair of it.
Any way, I also got a stat hit on a Kliknik. As an Acklay to sell would be a great booster for the character bank at present, I also have not made a single Complex App since logging onto Legends, so... even though it's known, it would still be neat. And yeah, I'd sell the Mutant Acklay if I managed to make one: prolly get 4-500 mill for it.
I have enough 20s to finish out those two hits, but I definitely need to finish re-building the Processing Lab, and then spending a few nights stocking up on raw hydros and getting in the swing of processing again. Considering the uphill slog has definitely slowed me down some. I can overcome that.
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